
There's a song in my eyes,
Taking back tears alright
The world spinning in a whirlwind
Clouded staying by my side. 

With love in tune, 
They say fools only feel,
What's widely unknown. 

I stand in the subway,
Holding back tears,
If only I'd guarded,
The vanquished Heart .  

Words necessary,
Are never spoken truly,
All the scattered  pieces
Remain, not in my heart.
My very subdued heart.

I sit there still,
Waiting for my ride,
Hoping to get back,
One step at a time,
All that while being
Alone and torn. 



  1. Instead of guarding your heart, let it wander. And soon you'll realise, it has become so strong, that you need not guard it.


    1. Wandering is dangerous. And especially when I've miles to go :)
      Thank you.


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