A dark memory!

I walk around the academy in my own thoughts..... This is so strange as there have been very rare instances like these... today i feel bad, someone is there in my thoughts, and i have no idea why am i thinking of that person? Today I remember, just six months ago when I was seventeen, he changed my life.

My vacations had started, it was early may and I was happy and gay for I could do many more things than just studying. It was when I was surfing the net when I stumbled upon it, upon the person who would come like storm and destroy my life. Little did I know that the person whom I was falling for wore a mask, an artificial one and hid his real self from me. He was good to me and made me fall for him, ‘because he knew I was naive and innocent. Today my eyes well up with tears as I think of him, “God it’s been almost more than six months but I just can’t forget him, why I have no clue but he did something. Either I was deeply in love with him or I just liked him too much, but the thing is I still can’t forget him. He is there in my thoughts, in my dreams, in my mind and my heart. He has forgotten me, I was never important in his life, I was just a toy to play with, he loved someone else.”I silently said to myself.

Now it was getting dark.The naked trees basked in snow had taken a frosty look, strong winds blowing on my face, and snow circling in and around me... the strong roar and the cold wind froze me, I lost the senses of my legs and face muscles, my hands were numb. But my brain still in the same thoughts. I’ll never be able to get on with life, if ever I do that trace which I want to get rid of will always remain. I slowly realise what I did to myself? I destroyed my own self, oh my holy god, I lost myself. I walked and I walked, struggling and slipping in the accumulated snow. I crossed dangerously on the centre street; the horn saved my life...

At the age of seventeen I had a bad experience, oh I know it sounds shallow but that’s how I would express it, bad and nightmarish! The first guy I fell in love with, or so I thought I fell in love with, god whatever it was, loved someone else, he came to me for a definite purpose, a selfish one! I don’t know why he did that, the thing is he hurt me and he gave me a very bad taste of love. So bad that maybe in future I may be scared of falling again for anyone. His words have an eco, they keep on going in my mind again and again, his sweet voice, his way of talking, and his body language, and oh I just can’t get off. I was irritated with myself.

My purpose of a walk was to get to forget that lad, but I am getting more and more close to him... he doesn’t even care a bit. He never got his love, but he destroyed mine too L and he thinks he loves, oh he says, “Shallow love is the one, who says my love is deep.” In fact I would say you made me hate this feeling called “love” and at the age of seventeen... 
As I walked across the goom mall in the centre of the city there was this sweet song of Yanni playing “To the one who knows”... again reminded me of him..

She attempted to cross the lane, did not notice it was red signal for the walkers, and a speeding BMW knocked her right there hard. As she fell and hit her head hard, her brain was a jumble of people, one she could see was the one who hated her, who broke her heart. All the events were playing past her mind, and at that time she knew that she could never forget that one person ever... and she simply closed her eyes, and the doors of heaven opened for her. 

-Scribbled by TNN

P.S: Guys I am thankful to you all for making this year so beautiful for me.. Enjoy the last day of this year.. Happy New Year!!


  1. And think not you can Direct the course of love, For love, If it finds you worthy, Directs your course.

    because he knew I was naive and innocent... you are :P

  2. oh... that was..
    why so sad on this day tanu?.. i have no idea if the above story is true or not, i wish it is not, but please having these dark thoughts will affect you.. please take care yr..

    happiness lies within.. find it and we'll never see darkness.

    take care.
    and happy new year:)

  3. I hope u find lots of happiness in this coming year.

  4. And the darkness is followed by light, wish you all the pleasant things in life and a wonderful new year ahead :)

  5. Nice..
    but drive away all the sadness...start the new year with a smile :)
    Take Care

  6. Well .. we do find such selfish people who break us in two in the name of love... but what t odo we are idiots ...

    You take care of yourself and be strong I am not sure if this is fiction or what ... But dont worry things change and happy days are round the corner ..

    Wishing you and every around you a very happy new year ...


  7. All the best for 2011... may you forget him before the clock strikes 12 tonight.

    Happy New Year.

    Blasphemous Aesthete

  8. ..that was full of melancholy... the end's so sad but overall you managed to pull-out all the emotions in our hearts in just a short read... btw, I came here to wish you and yours the best of luck in this year of the rabbit... Happy New Year!!!;)

    God Bless!!!;)


  9. Tanvi.... Fiction, right? Well, it was sad, but then people come, people go. If you keep looking at the back of someone who left you, how will you see the smile of a new friend? :) Well, love always survives. Happy 2011 to u!!

  10. Nice blog you have, this post is sad but I wish you a very Happy New Year 2011..

    --Someone is Special--

  11. really touching...!!!
    ...though i expected a different end and a better one..!!!

  12. this is a very strong and coherent piece of write up :) beautifully penned down :)

  13. @Raj: You know something?? I know these lines were my status and hence.. by the way this story is a fiction... :P

  14. @Deepika: Hey don't worry this story is just a fiction.. i couldn't find a appropriate ending so i added this... I guess was too dark.. :P

    Thanks for dropping by! :)

  15. @Ria: I hope so too.. :) Thank you and may god bless you.. have a rocking 2011.. :)

  16. @Saurav: Hey yupp there's light after every dark period :) Thank you and have a nice year ahead!

  17. @Shail: Thank you... and I did that, hence the post! Welcomed New year with a bang!!

  18. @Bikramjit: Heehee :D true! :)
    It indeed was fiction but with some traces of reality.. :) Wish you the same :)

  19. @Anshul: You know it did happen :) :)

  20. @Kelvin: Oh thanks kelvin.. and wish you the same :)

  21. @Punam: How right are those lines... true.. thanks :)

  22. @SIS: Hey thanks for visiting me... and wish you the same :)

  23. @Dhawal: Umm... i knew it... but i was clueless you see... :)

  24. @Pulkit: Welcome to my blog.. :) Thanks :) Keep coming :)

  25. Am very particular about my name, which you just spelled wrong! :p

  26. @Sourav: Oh... i noticed that.. i am sorry.. please don't mind.. will take care next time :)

  27. Hey, Hi
    well, when i started reading it, i thought it to be a personal narrative, but then at the end the narration changed from a first person pov to a third persons pov... the subject is good, and the thoughts that you have put in are good too...just maintain the narration from a single persons pov, or it takes away the charm...

    Best Regards,
    The Silhouette...

  28. @Harsh: Umm.... well i'll see to it.. i got your point. But i dont want people to think its my story , even though i write its fiction, they think its true.. now what to do? :P

  29. @Tanvi
    Hmmm...but then, readers always understand a post according to what is there in their pre-occupied minds. There are really few readers who would actually read it with an open mindset, and fewer who try to see it from the authors pov...
    anyways, "write" thats what matters in the end...

    The Silhouette...


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