
Is there anyone who could understand well about how twisted this world is?
who do you think I should tell this to?

There are such simple things around me, so simple that the world just might take a second to see its beauty. But , everyone here is involved in some game, game of manipulations. Its easier for them to hide behind the veil of manipulation and pretension, rather than appear as weak and lacking. Isn't that the sole reason why we disappear into nothingness? Without leaving a trace of our honesty. Its funny how we humans think its what is growing up in the real sense, when all it really is foolishness. 

 #nothingiswellunderstood #lifeislikecancer

There is no darkness ample enough to elude one into blurring horizons. There is no classic literature more better than truth put in plain and simple words. But alas! we're lost into our dramas of other world substitutes. And but what do we want from this world if not just a little warmth? To give away a little of ourselves?

Words have always enchanted me, attracted me, i like playing with words, the words that make conversations, the words that make feelings, the words left unsaid. The fewer people I think I know, the more confused I get. Every time I talk to each person, I see a new side, a new set of words. There isn't anything that escapes my eye, I see every passing action; reaction.

How do you help someone who doesn't want to be helped? How is it possible to love so fiercely and then forget all about it? How do we expect humans to get ahead of that step where they lost all they ever had? what sort of tricky explanation would you give to a child who innocently asks, if being honest and good was only because we seek love and affection from people around us?

Its so aptly said about loss, that it changes us, coming out on the other side isn't an option, how you change is an option. 
How we perceive our world is upto us. Rest as they say is just cliche`

P.S no signing off , no tweaky stuff, and yes it's a comeback for good. Eyes on 2015!


  1. This simple template suits your blog! How true, plain simple and truthful words.

    Although sometimes if a person speaks the truth or expects something because he has never expected anything else in the most innocent of ways, the whole world will tell him not to expect. Wherein they are the ones who have always been getting that, and they talk of changing and loss and separation. You know the value of maybe getting and then losing, what about wanting it but never been given; no surprises no unselfish gesture or faith on someone else?

    Perception truly !

    1. Thank you Fatima. Your compliment on my template did boost my morale. And I didn't get back to replying here though I'd read your comment long back, laziness you see πŸ˜›

      Expecting something in return, how much ever we deny , as humans we do expect. And if nothing but atleast acknowledgement. Besides as you said it's ones perception, wanting something and never been given can only mean one thing, your want was either too much or just a petty tantrum ( I do go by this mantra) and that just helps one being happy. You should do your part, but never let resentment come in between your deeds. Take care dost 😊and yes do keep visiting even though I don't write often πŸ˜ƒ

  2. Its beautiful what you have written tanvi. The truth is biblical. But people have their reasons. Sometimes good, sometimes bad.

    And I do not know if this is out of bounds. Do confirm.

    1. Yes everyone has their own reasons. And no matter what we've to accept them. Then why not with a smile?! πŸ˜€


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