
She opened the door finally. He spent the whole night out on the porch.
They both sat down Closing the door. Silence was all there was.

" He had lied to her, she had shouted thrown things at him and went on till she was tired and reminded by the movement inside of her."

He tried to talk her into solving things out, and promising to never do such a thing again, one chance, a new start. He urged Her to try.
She stayed silent all that while, a Silence, An awkward moment of complete deafness, as if the sound of a horn nearby was deafening her into complete confusion. she was unmoved, frozen into that momentary solitude. She said nothing for a long long time.

"When the only Valued in life let you down, when the World you built suddenly seems to be sinking, the pain in the heart is like that of a thundering sky. She was scattered, the home they had was based on trust and choices. But what he was doing  was compromise and obligation. And she stayed still."

He moved closer to her side, touching her arm, she just let her head fall on his shoulder, tears streaming down her eyes, and she asked, "What do we do now?, it's all dismantled."
He said nothing. He was shaken. When he turned to look at her face, she had fallen asleep, tears dried.

When he woke up, she was dressed, standing staring down at him. He sat up, she sat down too.

"Sell the house, it's no more a home." Was all she said, kissing him lightly, She slid a envelope in his pocket and the next moment she was driving out of the drive way.

He stared into oblivion shocked, frozen. He removed the envelope from his pocket, opened and saw the blackened image of a tiny little being, his own child. Tears rolled down his cheeks like freckles of snow.

The life he almost had, the girl and the child he'll never see, the empty home.

"There's so much water under the surface, that reality floats, there's no ground, and there's no going back. It's a sinking ship, it takes everyone under."

Love means nothing. You say it once or thousands of times over and over again, It still means nothing. What you feel, matters only to you, but what really matters is what you do to the people, you say you love.


  1. Wow!
    So nicely written.

    I loved the last para. Thats' perfectly worded.

  2. Love means nothing. You say it once or thousands of times over and over again, It still means nothing. What you feel, matters only to you, but what really matters is what you do to the people, you say you love.

    that, is beautiful.

    the character you have written about vm, its so like you i can only wonder what inspired this.

    p.s.: everything means something. everything. whether it does to you or not is what you have to decide. and the moment you do, you get to decide what to do with it. and in a way what you do with it defines you. some people think they are made to do something and so they have to do it. but that isn't true. one can be anything. one just has to have the balls to really try.

  3. Not all people believe in second chances. I, am not one of them. :)

    Nice post!

    Blasphemous Aesthete


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