Lost and found again

Maybe just maybe I might have lost myself but then I again found My  soul wandering. Nothing ever matters to me. It never did. I am quite like a white canvas, only a magic pen can write on it, and only rose tinted glasses can make it visible to the reader. Till that time only what appears is understood by the other, but in the real sense it's just the readers' illusion.

It's been more than a year that I have not felt like writing expressing my feelings. It's just so unimportant right now. I don't feel like carrying on with the pain, I am so tired of suffering and falling into pieces and then go in search of them, I am so  used to the loneliness , the emptiness, I sometimes feel. It's like I have accepted it. Even that doesn't matter anymore. When I appear unperturbed by even the most horrifying things my close friends are confused. I am just like that.

My words have silenced themselves, I don't find words anymore to express the obvious. I just have sidelined them, my feelings. They hold no importance, at least till the time I fall apart again.  I was always strong, but few things did make me weak. Now I again hold my ground firm.

The slow feather touch,
Light graceful steps,
Those shining bright eyes,
The same old smile,
The beautiful weather,
And  singing in jolly.

The darkness inside,
Is hidden by brightness,
The more this light shines,
The less the darkness.

Life runs in circles,
Of different people,
And different places,
The world offers freedom,
That's where happiness lies.

The bird willing,
Flies places,
Leaves people behind,
Makes new circles,
And builds new life,
That's the beauty,
Of an independent life.

The seasons change,
The summer goes by,
Autumn sheds,
The winter's weary,
But it's worth the wait.

Who cares about what will happen?
Just live it along, set aside the unhappiness,
Forget  about those left behind. :)


  1. Nothing ever matters to me. It never did.

    the day and the night never matter. but on some particular nights, the darkness and the moon matter the most.

  2. Yay, for now nothing matters, are you letting your life out for the dogs? But somewhere, it would really be an adventure, in a sense, no?

    Blasphemous Aesthete

  3. @Raj: well the darkness and Moon are among the few things I avoid thinking about :)

  4. @Anshul: Pumpkin pie it will be one hell of an adventure :P but I ain't doing anything like that. This is the carefree mode, I love being free :)


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