Whispering hearts

Sounds whispering,
Ringing my ears,
My steps wavering,
Nothing much but just a whisper.

Every step breaks the harmony,
Standing still amidst dark shadows,
Waiting for more whispers,
The sounds of anguish,
Birds chirping air roaring,
A hole in my heart,
And a tiny whisper.

Tears roll down,
Without any hint,
The wild quivering,
Follows a creepy darkness,
A step of caution,
And you stand still,
A step ahead,
And you sweep.

Tall dark whispers,
Depth of million emotions,
Trembling hands and whispering soul,
Crying in the dark,
Yelling for help,
With just a tiny whisper.


  1. lovely write..beautiful use of words....but y so sad sad??!!??...still not happy wid mumbai kya...

  2. Beautiful portray of emotions..the perfect Tanvi poem :)

  3. I liked the last two lines :)
    baaki poem badi confusing hai

  4. Every whisper
    Of every waking hour
    I'm choosing my confessions
    Trying to keep an eye on you
    Like a hurt, lost and blinded fool, fool
    Oh no, I've said too much

    ~Losing my religion R.E.M

    Ooh that pinches!

    Blasphemous Aesthete


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