Silent words

Today  when we spoke, you repeatedly asked me what more is going on. I was thinking for some time, and once in that time I was stunned to silence. I didn’t know what to say. I was being forced to say something; I understood the obligation as it was a phone call. But I felt trapped, I didn’t understand why we had to go through this, I wondered if he didn’t understand this need to mine. 

And I realized I was being such a pusher, how could he? How could I even expect?!  I felt I was being hasted... I cut the conversation short.

I sat on the railway platform waiting for my train, I was exhausted. Today I wanted you to just be there, not say a thing, not even expect a word out of me, but just be there, in silence.
I wanted that comforting silence, the hassle free conversation without words or any significant effort.

 Sometime later when I reached my destination and was walking home, I realised I couldn’t communicate properly what I wanted and that is the sole reason of my unhappiness today.


  1. Sometimes all you need is that someone just sitting besides you, holding your hand and asking nothing in return!

    But such moments are seldom bestowed on us...

    Take Care.

  2. @Fatima: Those few moments are so rare but so beautiful at the same time that your heart cries to get a few seconds of those.. :) Thanks for dropping by :)

  3. @Punam: I become a little too worked up when such situations arise and I run away rather than try to convey.. Next time I'll try :)
    Thank you :)

  4. You write well.... wish to see few happy tappy posts from you..

    Sometimes just happy and healthy thinking could do wonders..


  5. @Prasoon: Thank you thank you :D You'll tap your foot :D


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