
As I stand near the door of the balcony, watching snow accumulated on the trees, big trucks  removing heaps of snow from the roads, mild cold wind blowing on my face, touching my senses gently, I am drifted into a world of my own. I co-exist with this world but there's another one inside me.

The naked trees, the impression of the moon in the dark blue sky remind me how alone I am. The trees I have been watching since so long are the only ones to remain. People will come and go from my life. Some will stay forever some will leave me forever. Whatever the changes happen to be, I'll be alone here standing watching my life, being screwed, played around with, hurt deeply, still taking in those tears strongly.

I have been blank since a few days, I have become closed. I am acting difficult, then feeling guilty about it, but something is wrong, I can’t see myself like this. A strong girl that I was, now I am no more the same. This world is giving me a hard time, there’s distance between every celestial body, there are a few tears, a whole lot of worries, a nagging mind and no one with me.

I remind myself so often, girl this is your life, people don't stay forever, on every walk of life you meet new, you part with the old ones, you keep going forward. No matter how bad I feel, I know 'am going to be lonely, I was born alone to die alone one day. Nothing can be done, how much ever someone loves me, life is going to be such. You know never know when and how your world tumbles down, in a matter of seconds your paradise vanishes without a sign of existence.

I'll live with my love forever, like the winds, moon, stars and the whole nature co-exist. People will come, tear me apart and leave me alone to bear all of it. I'll be standing here, lonely, lost, looking at those same old trees, snow accumulated at the same places and cry silently.

 I hope someone will be there for me all through it.

Note: This is my 101th post and I have no idea either to be happy or whatever........... Just mentioned :)


  1. Yes its true that we come alone into this world and go alone too but this journey can be made better...only if we want to!

    Wonderfully penned...hope u r doing fine and congrats on the 101 post.

  2. yeah..having kinda the same thoughts these days ..even though we have friends and family,but there's a void that can only be filled with that someone..but most of the time its a lonely journey..

    I hope someone will come in the middle of the journey and accompany you till the end..till then enjoy the lonely wont last that long :)

    I guess I've written a lot here..i just wanna say you have scribbled my thoughts on your space..

    I suppose all will be well soon..

    smiles :)

  3. and for the 101th post..just be happy dear :)

  4. as a friend, there is this one black wolf that will. want me to introduce you to him? :)

  5. Solitude can be a best pal and sometimes disturbing too.

    Take care Tanvi

  6. So much of melancholy in this post! It's just the part of life! Sometimes that is life, and that's a harsh reality for us to face! But if we appreciate what we have compared to those who don't have anything, we should feel gifted! Have faith, feel positive - This too shall pass on!!

  7. A time comes in ones life when they literally feel so lonely and hence difficult to bear.. Even a strongest person is not able to bear the void in there heart formed by this pain.. But as said time is a best medicine for all kinda pains even dis pain gets cured with time and only makes us more stronger:)
    U have scribbled down the pain felt in such a way that everyone can relate themselves with dis situation..
    And congrats for the 101th post..
    Keep writing:)

  8. beautifully written, lovely thoughts,.

    I hope someone will come in the middle of the journey and accompany you till the end..

    Always be happy and keep smiling.

    take care.

  9. And when u are melancholic , words come out so easily at times!
    Just have faith about 2 thing i'd that God is always with u and secondly ' u r always with u' :)


  10. The name of the emotions which we give is only one, but that doesn't work. Every one feels in his/her own way and has their own way of looking at it and coping with it. Some become close and some become open, but they are just ways of not letting the emotions get better of you. So, I won't say I know this feeling, because, no one apart from you can know exactly how you feel.

    Wish you luck and all the best. The ones who are meant to stay will stay. Now and forever. :)

  11. Aww sweet ole longing (:

    Congrats on 101 posts.. May you entertain us with many many more.

  12. There is always something in life to call our own, best known to us, despite of that -out-of -place feeling. The best about us is discovered in bits n pieces, lonely roads should not deter us from going on in this beautiful journey called life, for it is said we pass this way just once! Strengthen the resolve to keep going and u never know life might take you by surprise! :-)

  13. @Ria: Only if we want to. I really want to and I am trying my best :) :) I am fine thank you :)

  14. @TOSM: I read that post on your blog sweetie :) :) This phase will sure be feels good sitting on the top of that cliff and thinking, if not anything, I'll jump :P hehe

  15. @Raj: I know that friend ;) ;) Black lil wolf :P

  16. @Raj: I know that friend ;) ;) Black lil wolf :P

  17. @Poonam: It is peaceful and mysterious too :)Thank you :)

  18. @Vaish: It shall pass on..... :) Thanks :)

  19. @My never ending thoughts: I wrote it the normal way I felt. If you can relate I am happy.... It just makes me believe that many more are going through this... Thank you :)

  20. @Sarah: You said a wonderful thing... I am always with me :P :) :) Thanks :)

  21. @Kunal: Its right.... No one would know it.... but everyone can definitely relate 'cause at some or the other point they too felt the same :) Thank you :)

  22. @Ms Nyx: Thank you :) :) Will surely do :)

  23. @Manshaa: You have no idea how happy I am to see you here :D I never knew you would, because i couldn't comment on your blog.... The feeling of being out of the place...... I so feel it... Thanks a ton :)

  24. Very nice :)
    well may be its your 10th post but m reading them all first time.. and I must say... please be Happy :) and all the best :)


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