Dark hour of the night

Darkness wears a cloak,
The night is silently spooky,
Every face every tear you shed,
Just shines in the dark,
The dark conceals truth.

As the night puts on its cloak,
All the sorrows come running,
Eyes can see nothing but vacuum,
The soul searches for a flash,
Let tonight be the night,
When finally I would find,
The only way,
My only way to light.

Tears shining,
Falling down my cheeks,
Every hope,
Every ray of light,
Seems to be closing in on me,
The walls coming tumbling down,
My world crashing,
Helpless I stand.

I stand,
In the dark.

Hoping on days at end,
One day it would,
One day I would find,
A way out of this misery.

Feeling helpless,
Being so far away,
Doing nothing,
Increasingly feeling,
Blood rushing down,
Flushed cheeks,
Tired eyes,
I stand alone.

Alone in the dark,
Hoping for that one flash of light,
The one and only,
To lead me home,
Where I would find peace.


  1. and if you look hrd you will see that flash of light for sure .. it just takes a few minutes of eyes getting used to that darkness and then you see everything :)

    beautiful poem loved it


  2. Well, what can I say, I believe that the grave is the only place where mortals find the ultimate peace.

    Till then it is a struggle, sometimes happy sometimes hard.

    Blasphemous Aesthete

  3. I so totally agree with what Bikramjit has said. Beautifully written dear.

  4. We think that it is the end, but then the light is there somewhere hidden. Look for it, and you will find it. And yes, it will lead you home :)

    Beautifully penned :)

  5. When its the darkest hour you know light is not far away..so don't stop tread till your feet can take you and when you no longer can trudge you'll know light is not far away from you !

    Beautifully penned !

    Take Care

  6. There's is nothing like dark, its just the absence of light...
    You are in dark for a purpose, and that is to spark a lamp :)

    I like the poem, but don't like it u know why...


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