Today here

The world is moving around,
Furious activity,
its making me dizzy.

I am standing here,
All by myself,
Thinking about you only you,
There's crazy activity here,
It’s making me dizzy.

As I hold my purse,
Coat in hand,
Stare at the coffee in hand,
I see the world moving,
Fast paced life,
but I am still here,
Waiting waiting,
For you, thinking about you,
Its making me dizzy again.

I am numb,
To all that surrounds me,
Today I don't wish to move ahead,
Somewhere I want to stop,
And just come back to you.

Heart is empty;
Feeling is strange,
it’s taking hold of me,
I am feeling dizzy again.

As my eyes blink,
Sleepless, listless look, tired,
The people I see look small, big,
My head's spinning,
But there's only one thought,
Only one name with me right now,
Its you, only you, forever you,
And I feel dizzy again.

Its funny,
How in such a dizzy state,
You are clearly visible,
People are out of focus,
I am still standing here,
Thinking about you,
People rushing past me.

I don't want my life,
To just run by me,
Even before I realise,
To end already,
I wish I could stop,
This life right here,
Hold me time,
Hold me in your arms,
I just want to be with him,
And I still feel dizzy.

I may fall down,
The purse, coffee, coat,
Too heavy to hold,
The escalators too slow,
My eyes fixed, mind numb,
If this can't be stopped,
My life will have to.

I don't want to,
Feel dizzy again,
I don't want the world,
To be blurred, 
'Cause you are the one,
I wish to see...I wish to see...

Run away.... run away...
Time plz don’t go away....
Don't ever let me feel dizzy again...
Never again..... Again! ...m...


  1. nice poem
    just want to come back to you

    Happy Diwali

  2. Good one.. lovely actually.. fell in love with the pace :)

    Weakest LINK

  3. agreeing with Rachit..loved the flow and spontaneity :)


  4. Lovely poem!! Happy diwali dear!! :)

  5. Its a deep poem...far more than just lovely..the way you weaved it the whole scenario could be imagined and that too beautifully!

    Have a safe and happy diwali :)

    Take Care

  6. lovely....every word felt visualized n the depth was just...well 'deep'...beautiful pennin...:)...n happy diwali...:)

  7. I don't know how come you frame those many lines,seriously.
    I can never write that long:(
    The poem reflects pain & fear of being lonely.
    Belated diwali wishes:)

  8. great poem tanvi. id appreciate it if ud stop by my blog. thanks

  9. just visited to read next poem

  10. @Sm: Thank you for your wishes..I am sorry couldn't wish you on time... Thanks a lot for the kind appreciation and coming back :)

  11. @Rachit: Oh thank you thank you :) :)

  12. @Sarah: Glad you loved it :) :)

  13. @Ria: Thank you Ria for the wonderful wishes...Same to you belated though :) :)

  14. @Fatima: So you got the whole scene right ;) That's perfectly great :)
    Thank you :)

  15. @Vaisakhi: I am glad.... thanks a lot :) :)

  16. @Neeha: I used to think like you seriously :P And I had no clue how people could write so beautifully, I still wonder.. And these many lines, the poem having a story, well you know its spontaneous.. :) :) Thanks :)

  17. @Raj: I can't believe whiskey just smiled :P :P :) :)

  18. @Arjun: Welcome to my blog Arjun :) Thanks and I'll visit you soon :)

  19. whiskey didn't. he laughed. must have found it funny :P


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