Life in me

As I stand today in my balcony overlooking the shiny street, fresh from the cleaning at the dead of night, I feel the wind blowing on my face, on this chilly and starry night. Eyes are teary, the coldness grips my body. I have been feeling strange, something missing, maybe again unanswered questions looming around. But this dark hour of the night, the serene environment, just a car or two moving in my sight, street lights shining, the red leaves dancing with the stormy wind. It’s one such night, when answers again are asked by this soul inside me. I let this life come in me, just some few days back, it’s so beautiful, just the feeling of it. But then there are always some big questions, which ruins, spoils the moments of bliss and solitude.

I don’t know if I give too much importance to things which don’t matter, or is it that I am just too overtly emotional today?! Again a question, questioning my feelings. This life in me is alive for some people really close, but I wonder where this soul exists in me. Why is it that just some, small words also break me hard? When I should retaliate back, why do I take a step back and be nice again? I fear if I give in too much, I’ll leave stuffs I have a right on and in turn get nothing but a terrible void. It’s simple, I should stop giving. But the question is, “How?”
I am alive; I breathe this life in and out numerous times in a minute, hour, days, months and years. But I question my very survival again. I don’t know how much of this struggle is still remaining? How much will this heart try to hide it inside, suppress the feelings, and still smile and move on again, again every day, every moment again the same, just again and again.

I don’t know why in this whole lot of crowd, the buzzing university and hostel life, studies, cycles, hectic schedules, I still want a breather. I want my moment of ‘me’. It instils life in me, keeps me going, for something better, for my dreams, for this world I plan to create. I don’t know if anyone’s going to support me. I don’t even expect, I don’t need anyone in this rigorous fight! I am strong enough to fight it out. Just sometimes I fall weak, I withdraw from the world, my friends, and I stop socialising. I know it’s bad, but I can’t help it, I need this breather.

Darkness reveals a lot of things, only those people sleep who fear this void. When I stand here, I can never avoid the temptation of overlooking the church across the street, far but still in sight, standing tall since two centuries. Again the mystery, the cold gripping, numbs my soul to the extent that I feel no more. Nothingness engulfs me hard. In as I stand, let the coldness in, burning sensation, breathing hard, bouncing back, holding it in, letting out, (Sigh) once and for all.
Living the life, as it is in me. Will leave it soon, once I am tired of it. But will live till the life has burned me hard, numbed me so that I’ll never rise again, just to get a new “Life in me”

“The darkness fills a void, 

Letting it in, 
Shivering through, 
Bleeding profusely, 
Breathing hard, 
Letting it go, 
Once and for all.

The darkness fills a void,
Makes this heart,
Wonder for its heaven,
Just breathing,
Taking life as it comes,
Holding the torch of life,
Leading the way,
Filling life in me.”


  1. Those who fear the dark sleep? Interesting, veeeeery interesting.

    The cold could not just numb you, but the dark may also creep in. It is the reason why I'd dream at that time.

    Blasphemous Aesthete

  2. So well written...but i did see glimpses of sadness in this post. Hope u r doing fine?

  3. How you doing ..

    life and time teaches us a lot .. experiences make us what we are .. and slowly you will leanr too what is good for you ..


  4. well i dont think that those who sleep 'fear darkness' its a biological cycle that goes

    but yes..sometimes facing that darkness brings in a lot of zeal and confidence to the depleting soul.
    tk cre :)


  5. Loving your blog! ♡
    Be sure to get featured in the love list (for details check out my blog)

  6. Loving your blog! ♡
    Be sure to get featured in the love list (for details check out my blog)

  7. Sometimes..too much light make us blind and sometimes...we can see even in darkness... I find..what you are looking for to feel that void... :)

  8. Nice one............At times when I feel sad or lonely...I just walk alone in the streets just wondering some random thoughts running through my mind...........

  9. those who fear the dark sleep....but those who determine to face the dark stress their eyes to see through the dark...:)....n y so sad sad...times do numb us...but things pass very soon if we make them to...cheer up...n yes beautifully written...:)

  10. You write very well..

    Life is filled with questions. It is a struggle. Let, we manage. We are alive :)

    Times pass.. And leaves us with different experiences.

    Stand in the balcony, and let the wind hold you. Let it dry your tears :)
    Look at the moon smiling upon you, and smile back :)

    Take Care!

  11. That's Bitter truth of life.... We share same story... Your posts sounds too much like mine life...


  12. @Anshul: So you got that ha :P Actually I just wanted to make my no sleeping at all pattern seem normal :P heehe :D

  13. @Ria: Oh dear! I am good :) :) Doing great :) Hope you are enjoying too :)
    Thank you :)

  14. @Bikram: Hey I am good :) How about you?

    Very true :) Learning is long process na....

  15. @Sarah: As I told Anshul, that statement was made to justify my not sleeping at all patterns :P :P hehe :D

    Facing darkness is necessary, so that you understand the brightness of the new day :) :)

  16. @Divinity: Hey thank you :)

  17. @The sage pal: Welcome to my blog :) And thank you for the kind appreciation :)

  18. @Kunal: Sometimes just a lil bit of aloofness from your loved ones can make the darkness staunch and slap you on face :) :)

  19. @Durga: Thats a great thing you do, and something we share in common :)

  20. @Vaisakhi: Oh yes rightly said... Darkness is just a seen danger, if we peek in, its nothing but illusion.

  21. @Philo: Those are some lovely experiences :)

    "The winds holds me today,
    I see the moon with one eyes closed,
    and place my thumb in my vision,
    I see its as small as my own thumb,
    I have my world with me." :) :)

  22. @WonderwWall: I am glad you could associate with what I feel. So I am not the only one! :P (Cheers with beers!! :D) And life has got many facets, its just that some we can see, and others we can't :) :) Thanks and a warm welcome to my blog :)

  23. leaving life searching life....confused soul doesn't know what it wants ...


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