A way

My tears block the view,
It’s all but blurred,
Once upon a time this was the way,
The one leading to my destination.

Now it’s just a road,
Leading somewhere,
My tears block the view,
Of the beautiful future,
Of the one about which I once dreamt.

The hurdles the milestones,
Was a rehearsal?
My tears show me a path more difficult,
I chose it with might,
Now I know it’s going to be a restless fight.

After sometime,
The path is cleared,
As I wipe my tears it’s very evident,
But the unbound silence won’t clear my foresight.

My tears block the view,
Which leads to the reality,
But sooner they’ll clear another path ahead.


  1. Hey, Hi
    so true...tears often blur the way ahead..
    wipe them up gal...
    :D let those giglles ring...

  2. hmm actually, tears can be good cleaning agents, they keep the eyes sharp and shiny :P

    As for the post, just don't let the vision be blurred for too long, red eyes are such a pain :)

    Blasphemous Aesthete

  3. Lol at BA comment. But yea what u hav said is so true.

  4. Seriously BA rocks..
    Paths keep changing, but it tells us some time better is destined for us.

  5. haha so true BA...:)...n tanvi...cheer up...tears dont weakn us...but dont srenthn us eithr...let them dry out...:)

  6. how silly and foolish man is; he is unable to distinguish from truth and false hopes!

    ajay kumar

  7. So much pain, why? Enjoy dear, I guess you might be in India... let the monsoon rains bring back your smile.

  8. Hey Tanvi, even I agree with what Anshul said and tears often mean different things at different occasions they are necessary too but you need to stop them at a point and tread ahead!

    Smile with the rains and do not cry in the rains dear :)

    Take Care.

  9. it probably is jsut me but have you noticed after you have cried you seem to see a bit clearer...


  10. I wish I could cry your tears and leave my laughter on your lips...
    Please don't cry alone ever.

  11. @Harsh: Yes buddy they clear the sight :) :) Giggles will always ring :) :) Thank you :)

  12. @Anshul: You have a host of admirers pumpkin :) :) They are good cleaning agents.. heehee :D thanks a lot :) :)

  13. @Anshul: You have a host of admirers pumpkin :) :) They are good cleaning agents.. heehee :D thanks a lot :) :)

  14. @Ria: :) :) Hehe :D thanks for dropping by :)

  15. @Neeha: Yes quite true :) :) Thank you :)

  16. @Vaisakhi: Thanks sweetie.. dont worry i'll gather myself :):)

  17. @Ajay: Umm... Foolish man is... and hopes well it depends upon the person.. Thanks

  18. @Rachit: Well not really, wrote it when I was back there :) Monsoon did bring smile and problems too :P :P

  19. @Punam: after such a long time sweetie! Hhave not visited you feeling bad for that.. hope you are fine.. it wont come to that stage.. :) :)

  20. @Fatima: Yeah true :):) I will keep smiling :) :)

  21. @Bikram: You are right its the same with me too.. :) Thanks

  22. @Gaurav: So sweet of you my lover boy :D :) :)

  23. But sooner they’ll clear another path ahead...yes...i am always for the glass half full team...cheers

  24. woahh...!! Quite a good depiction of staying with a positive attitude towards life..

  25. @R.Ramesh: Welcome to my blog:) Glad you liked and appreciated my work :) :)

  26. @Dhawal: Thank you thank you.. *bows* :) :)


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