Rare moments

In the summer of 2009, when I was grown up but still like a kid, I met the man of my dreams. When we walked hand in hand through the streets of the city of love, I could sense the tingling in his hand. I could see how much I was attached to his breath, his feel, his presence. I was incessantly in love with this guy. A stranger to me, but a stranger close to my heart.

It was not by any coincidence or luck that I found him, and he found me. It was like as if the meeting was written in golden words in the book of god, which drove every other person mad, like it drove us. We were in some different world of our existence; we co-existed with our hearts on our sleeves. We were up to something, which we didn’t realise was nothing but love.

We were together for the summer holidays in Verona. We met because we lived in the same hotel. I was a lonely girl exploring the world. He was a lonely traveller enjoying his solace.
 It was very beautiful to see the sunrise from my balcony, the streets used to light up with the early morning sun and it marked the fresh start of my morning with tea in hand and street vendors putting up their sales.  Italy is known for the local market area and its varied sale.

I don’t know how and what actually brought us together. The balcony talks, or the eye to eye talks J we sat for breakfast together once in the hotel cafe and that was the first day we went out together for our exploration of the city of love.

Since day one, I have been eager like a fish to swim in the whole pond; you like a whale were the sharp big hunter. I don’t remember anything about Italy now; it was beautiful I do remember that, but not just the city the feel of being with you. I never asked you about your love, nor did you. Maybe it’s just that I have got used to being with you. Roaming around the whole city was delight because I was no more a lonely girl. Inside your eyes I still could see the distant feel, the vision of a lonely traveller. It was just a phase I thought, but sooner I realised it was constant. You were looking for your heaven.

You were not a typical American man with those rugged looks and funky manners. You were different from those, whom you lived with. That was the reason may be why you started being alone and also were enjoying it. I didn’t know what happened at the end of these few days, I was feeling as if I was leaving my heaven and going. A British girl like me would never dare fall for an American. But the twisted fate has always something else. 

It was now late in the summers. Tomorrow would be the time for us to leave this city. I’ll get back to my studies in England and you would continue on your journey to Rome. You always said that you were a traveller, because you met people, made them yours and left and moved ahead. You never stopped in your life. And you didn’t know how to love. Missing someone was a mere word, with no other real meaning than just the absence of something. When I said, “I’ll always remember you” last evening, your face was expressionless. You were doing your job wandering through this world for your heaven. But I had just found mine. It was you.

Next day when I was leaving the hotel, you stood in front of me; I did not want to meet you. You came closer; you looked like a star in that dark. You came closer and our lips met. That was the first and last of our journey together. It was over. 

I never had the nerve to tell you this. Nor I did. I left Verona and I left my love to wander for his heaven. I didn’t even expect you to come to me sometime again in life. I knew it was meant to be just this. And that was it.


I don’t know where this guy is. I don’t know if he found his heaven. I never ever had any news about him since the time I left Verona that summer. And I don’t even want to find out. It was beautiful, it was a real feeling, it had no expectations, no fulfilments and no obligations. It was true and it was love.

As I finish writing my article for the newspaper tonight, I relive those rare moments in my mind’s eye. Those streets of the city of love, those historical stories and his presence. I am just wishing that the people won’t ask many questions on my first article ever. I hope so because, I have no answers, and I’ll never have. I have chosen to leave it this way.


  1. the pain of separation expressed quite beautifully. And those rhyming lines were quite wondrous.

  2. Poignant.

    I remember the movie "Into the wild" after having read this post... he was a tramp, wandering soul and her, she was a girl, looking for what she hadn't found.

    It was something like given and denied.

    Beautiful post.

    Blasphemous Aesthete

  3. Hmmmm well they say we do part to meet up again and when it happens we will forget all this sadness...

    take care
    and all the best


  4. Sometimes things r better left this way...don't u think so?

  5. Sometimes...somethings are apt only at the moment and even if we revive they lose the aura they had!

    And at times there is an unknown pleasure even in pain!!

    Lovely post !

    Take Care.

  6. Wonderfully written. Could feel each of the words. Sometimes its better to leave things the way they are as you rightly said. Cherish the memories. If you are destined to meet then it shall happen no matter what.

  7. seriously loved it so much. there was something hidden that everyone can relate with which is love ,separation n feelings left behind which happens with everyone.

  8. You done it very well. Loved your post. Best wishes!

  9. Hey Hi
    was trying to read this for days on end!! and soemhow or the other it managed to elude me..
    its a beautiful post..that luv is so pure...so true...

    luvd it...

  10. nice bit of writing here as it is very difficult to write about different nationalities and their sensibilities..kudos!

  11. awwww... i wish u guys wud meet again...

    Hey dear! am from Pakistan n was just browsing through good blogs to find smart writers like you to befriend. Nice blog outlook and interesting write-ups. I write on relationships mostly as well as some funny stuff.
    I hope u can be a follower if u like my blog? Don’t forget to comment please !!
    The Emotional Lava
    Best of Luck for ur blogging.

  12. And I assume fate(or maybe you) has(have) more wonderful moments in store. For both of them. Tell me if I'm wrong.

  13. nice post... but why go to the trouble of going to verona and england for all ths..?? :P :P :P
    ek baar toh yaar happy ending rakh liya kar...

  14. @Anshul: Wow :D That was the image i had in mind.... perfect hunch :) :) Thank you :)

  15. @Bikram: Yes, it happens :) :) Thanks :)

  16. @Ria: They are better yes right :) :)

  17. @Fatima: Unknown pleasure in pain rightly said :)

  18. @Shas: Thanks for the lovely appreciation :) :)

  19. @Some unspoken words: Thank you :) :)

  20. @Pranavam: Welcome to my blog :) :) thanks for the kind words :)

  21. @Harsh: Its okay dude :) :) Thank you :) :)

  22. @The unsure ascetic: Welcome to my blog :) :) Thank you :) :)

  23. @Catgirl: Thank you :) :) Welcome here and I liked your blog too :) :)

  24. @Wishv: You aren't wrong...whats wrong to forsee a beautiful end.. :) :)

  25. @Dhawal: Wanted to make it feel right thats why Verona.. :) :) And about the ending , ye dude common haa it was not that bad :P Its not sad, its just real :) :)

  26. I got the goosebumps reading dis post.. really awesome.. its so many times v become speechless in front of the person who is everythin to us and let it go without any expectations. I guess dis is what love is all about. So hard to understand yet so amazing to feel :) Keep writing :)

  27. @Never ending thoughts: Welcome to my blog :) :) In front of the one you love you become numb to their presence and even if you have thousands of things to say, you can't utter a word. But even that bit of silence is a wonderful comfort in each other's presence:) Thanks a lot :)


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