
Sometimes naa i just go crazy, i shout on the top of my voice, scream would be a better word for it maybe, then keep on talking, or just keep my mouth shut. But the funny part is whatever i do, talk or keep silent my friends get bugged, if i am talking then they are like you are irritating me, and if i don’t still they get irritated, now you guys only say what to do??? :P
Sometimes i am like this social bird, joyous and lively, and sometimes i am just curled up inside,in my own life. One of my friends said “Tanu, its not only contradictory but also irritating, and like hell!” when i keep silent, then i am not going to utter a word, and people go on asking, “what happened?what happened?” (Sigh)

When i am silent and singing dancing around the room, my friends say she is gone, people think i am in love. I don’t know if only people in love do these kind of things, but i toh do.. :P :P i am not in love, and i don’t ever intend to be. I am happy being me, sometimes silent, sometimes a brat :D if i am bored, i can’t stay at that place for more time, i need change, changes are the crucial part of my life, something interesting, something new, hope of challenges and love of uniqueness is my ultimate drive.
I like to stay on the top of the world, i can’t see anyone sad, i can’t see anyone mourning, i am here to spread the smiles, i am here to spread the word, let loose!!! :D  heeeheeee :D I guess too much of me will drive you guys nuts.... oh i too crazy??? :P Well many of you must already know that..reading this much is fine to understand my stupidity :P :P heeheee :D
I stand in the balcony and shout, chilling shivering, freezing in the cold.. :D i eat the snow thats gets accumulated on the railing.. :D :P its tastes awesome.. :D And and and i love being me :D :D i love to climb on top of buildings and shout the hell out, i love to go into the wild and i really love nature.. 

I love to sleep on the grass,i love to see at stars, shining, telling stories, i love to sleep in my grandma’s lap, i love to walk bare feet on lawn... I love it when sun sets and the different hues of sky are blooming.. I love it when, i can see the sea at large and talk about random things, i love it when i lay down on cold grass and look at the stars and talk about life.... i love doing things which are mosly crazy and stupid..  But i still am like this and don’t ever want to change... J J
I am a girl who lives on her terms, i am someone who is waiting to break free, don’t know from what, but from something that is 
holding me, i want to break free into the wild!!!

Sometimes, sometimes becomes most of the times :P


  1. answer: YES..u r crazy and u r mad..!!!
    plus...u keep saying that u love this ..u love that and all that blah blah...!!! Then, how can u say that u r not in love...!!! You already are in love.... Its just that even u don't know that u r in love with what or whom...
    :) :) :) :) :)

  2. *same pinch* you're same as me. Crazy, yes. Shy-bold, lol yes. Don't worry its normal. As much as i think. :-P coz i have seen quite a no. Of ppl like us. Count the person above in that too. ;)

  3. ahhh the bliss of youth :) and being in love does not mean in love with a man in a romantic way ..

    you can be in love with life, and so many other things too.. :)

    great refreshing post hmmm makes me go out there and YELLL all that you have said yesssssssssssssssssss :)


  4. :P hahahha, you like frost, and snow on railing? Drink dews too...

    And be yourself.

    Sometimes, sometime is quite long.

    Blasphemous Aesthete

  5. i liked this..cute..really cute..cheers:) :)i agree,sometimes becomes most of the times:) :)

  6. Hey, Hi
    sometimes, its the only time we have...and at times, thats the only thing that matters...
    sometimes, i wish some times last longer...

    The Silhouette...

    p.s.- you be yourself gal...dont you worry about the world...

  7. A good amalgam of posts.. A delight for the readers..

  8. Whoo hoo this can't be a coincidence or is it one ?? You're same as I am...crazy, chatterbox,daring, shy and cute I've to stop worrying about me being weird, coz now I know someone normal :P

    Apart from the snow thing coz I've never really experienced one :D

    Nice read !

    Take Care,

    P.S: btw you have a good blog here do visit mine too if you wish !

  9. Oh... Very good post. Love is lovely. and loving ....... Lolz

  10. Sometimes, I too feel so full of life..and have the urge to shout!!

  11. Taste of snow....good one.

    Life is to enjoy and seems like you are, not love...

  12. Hey, Hi
    theres something in store for you at my blog...chk it out...

    The Silhouette...

  13. Yes, you are crazy, stupid, fun and a person who loves flying. But trust me it is really good knowing you :)

  14. Hey there is something for you at my blog!
    Do have a look at it Tanvi :)

  15. @Dhawal: Heehee :D You know me quite well to say :D :P
    I guess you are love with something that i am unaware of, maybe myself?! Yes obviously.. :D

  16. @Deepika: Yes yes Dhawal is just have to read adventures of bathing and you know it all :P lol :D heehee :D

  17. @Bikramjit: Loved to see your lovely comment...the magic worked.. :) Thanks :)

  18. @Anshul: Oh i know what you must be thinking.. :P but i am as crazy as you are.. :P lol..yes sometimes is quite long :)

  19. @Rakesh: Thanks thanks a ton :D

  20. @Harsh: Yea even i wished sometimes lasted more..but then i want it the way it is.. :) Yes i'll be myself :) Thanks :)

  21. @Rachit: Welcome to my should i be saying that, i guess its too late! :P Thanks anyways.. :) Keep coming :)

  22. @Fatima: Wow yaar... we are soo soo simliar..and dont worry you are as crazily normal as i am..most of my friends here are too in that list!! :P heehee :D Thanks :)

  23. @Talha: Welcome to my blog..glad that you liked :) Keep coming :)

  24. @Shail: True..i guess its a phase..and everyone does feel.. :) Thanks for dropping by!

  25. @A: Yes true... :) Thanks for saying that.. :)

  26. @Harsh: Thanks for the gesture :)

  27. @Sourav: Umm.... hmmm.... someone's praising me?! lol :D Thanks.. :) (For saying that :P)

  28. @Fatima: Thanks for the lovely award.. :)


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