Bitter truth

Anger, frustration, injustice, prejudice, the host of words which fall short when explaining the current situation. Justice as I know, in these eighteen years of my life have been only through struggle and fight for the cause. Every person, every common man, every powerful man, everybody is behind just simple things.  A common life, beautiful wife, love of your life and blah blah blah.....

A teenager becomes depressed because of a break-up, because someone rejected his/her proposal, people get disheartened because you did not get good grades, or you could not get that million dollar job, or you have  the biggest problem of this life no money??????? What? Should I call this world today merely selfish? Or merely narrow minded? Should I ask you to be awake and face the truth? Should I just tell you, your problems are way smaller than someone who is actually suffering? Is that of any use? What you are going to say is just this, “Oh common there are such things in this world, but what can we do? Leave it, don’t be senti!”

This is not the reason for which I lose my temper, this is not the silly reason to prove I am senti, or being too emotional, or just making me realise that girl you are not able, you don’t have the power, or see you are being too much of an illusionist. No not just saying this or doing something that I wanted to, I am very proud to say just one thing, I am not just another teenager, to have rosy dreams and think about them day and night, I am not the one standing in the horde of people complaining all long. I have my share of dreams, but they are not small, I have a vision, for which my eyes are small. I am doing what I am supposed to do, I am preparing to fight for what I believe in, and I am going to do all, which may give some peace of mind to those parents whose children were killed by their own friends and for no reason at all.

What meaning does this bloody love has, when a person dying in front of you is not even attended by? Where the hell is humanity lurking in this dirty pond? May I have the pleasure to ask if our country India has some morals, humanity or ethics? I question the country the historical country, India which is known for the famous freedom fight...... I question the generation of today because I feel that the fire, the awareness and the humane features of our ancestors have been lost, somewhere deep down the heap of cash and credit cards by which you can buy people!

Corruption, indiscipline, crime and bureaucracy are like the bread and butter of today. Without this we can’t even survive in our school. A small establishment also has all this there... because the Indian judicial system has rotten, and one day it will rot to death.
I guess we all are waiting for its death, so that we can blame it on one another, or have a funny trial in the Supreme Court which has already lost its roots, ‘cause we’ll need at least ten years to first understand the case in hand. Are we snails? Or just that lazy? Why is the justice always delayed? Why is our government always saying see that case, see this case, they think it’s their victory, but oh! Please excuse me, ten to fifteen years for justice to be done is not the way it is supposed to be, when people lose their interest in life itself, because a girl is abused and she dies, and in the wait of justice to be done the parents die.
No but here we are more concerned about our lost love, right? Or either we are in search of that true love. Or we are just too busy with our gfs/bfs to think about this nonsense, right guys?

Wake from the slumber, wake up to see the real world, where there is no love left, its just a fight, everyday struggle for survival. Wake up to your fate!


  1. For once, the blunt truth. I liked it. May god bless you and you have the power to lead the change. May your dreams come true.

  2. There was a time when i thought like this, but to say the truth.. Nowadays don't have that enthusiasm, that will to do it! I hate that i have became ignorant of many aspects which don't deserve ignorance.. But.. Don't know. Would try to be the one i was and will surely accompany you in the fight.. Take care. Salute to your big dream!

  3. U recreated the spark which we had lost these days!

  4. This might be the first time that I am seeing this kind of provoked post here. What happened?

  5. quite a nice post...!! These a spech by southie actor siddharth.. try listening to that..
    u will get the answers
    here it is..

  6. bitter truth that is ...

    I guess I think of simple things casue of Exactly what you have said .. the bitter truth .. so simple things when achieved makes u smile and go to the next one ..

    and as of love well DECEPTION is the word for it these days .. everyone is looking after the one numero uno.. THEMSELVES

    we have lost that care for a fellow human being.. no wonder the world is going to the devil ...

    regarding ur big dream.. ALL THe best for that.. Baby steps, one step at a time girl.. and you will be there at the destination, Just make sure that when you reach there you are not alone.. look at people around you is all i will say :)

    and NO i wont say u r senti, Its good to read that it effects you this RUDENESS this aloofness of people , hopefully when we have a few more who think the same way , we will be better human beings ... which is what we shud aim for ...

    I admire you and feel happy that u said all that..
    regarding india well i ahve said a lot about it but the thing is all those who come out on a witch hunt when u speak against it are the ones who are spoiling it the most


  7. Well, All the best with your dreams. Hope you could bring the change!!

  8. It is the bitter truth wich most of us have to face...and for those who refuse to wake up i hope this post serves the purpose.

  9. @AS: Thank you... :) I hope so too :)

  10. @Deepika: I will say just one thing keep the fire within, keep the flame burning.. :)Thanks!

  11. @Pripat: Thanks for saying that... but i guess it shouldn't happen :)

  12. @Anshul: Umm... you know! Absolutely nothing :P :P

  13. @Dhawal: Thanks for that.. hope i get :)

  14. @Bikramjit: Well about love, you have been constant on that thought... :)
    "we have lost that care for a fellow human being.. no wonder the world is going to the devil ... "
    I agree completely... thanks a lot!

  15. @Shail: Thanks a ton! I hope so too :)

  16. @Ria: Thank you dear! :) :)


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