Break free!

When life plays strange tricks you waste your time giving your everything to the person who doesn’t even care a bit about you. You cry, you feel, you love and you write for someone, that someone special. And the same person loves, cares, feels and writes for someone who does not love him... Why is that we always fall in love with someone who never cares for you, and like that it becomes a chain. Someone loves me, but I love someone else, and that someone loves some other person. Why is the circle of life so strange?

When I decided I had to move on, I did, and I know I can do it. But it’s just that I pretend to be not affected by all that happens in life when I actually do get affected a lot. I don’t face that thing called feelings; I am running away from it. I don’t want that thing to change me from what I was to what I’ll be tomorrow. But when I am so far away from all that and I don’t want it to affect me, I still feel hurt. Somewhere deep down I feel unhappy; after all I have everything else in life and have lots of reasons to enjoy. I hate to admit that this strange thing still affects me, it seems so unreal of me to think like that L I hate to see myself in that position, but I swear I won’t ever let it happen again.
When two lovers part, the pain of separation is borne by the only one person who’s feelings were real and honest. It’s like when two souls part to go to the heaven. I don’t know what more to say... but I don’t want anything to affect my will of steel, which I won’t. But then why can’t I be happy and enjoy every bit of it. Why a person coming in your life like a wind and fire makes your life so miserable that you can’t get off with the memories, you just can’t wipe out the remaining traces. Oh how I hate it, oh how I want it to just make me free of all those burdens.

What I may feel, or whatever I may not be, or something that I never thought of before could be making me go crazy. Damn it’s so frustrating!!!
I just want to be a free bird, with no limits and no chains to hold on me to. I want to fly in this world; I want to break free of all illusions. Oh god! Please let it happen before I break down!


  1. But because they came like wind and fire, they are essential. An element, they are, essential. So it hurts. Fire keeps us warm, and air sustains us, but when fire and air mix, they make an inferno.
    Free bird? You already are, chained, but by your own obligations.

    Blasphemous Aesthete

  2. I agree with BA.
    Life teaches us something when we undergo some experiences,which might be good or bad..
    But still you need to keep going..That's life..
    Take care buddy..

  3. Heyy Tanvi, Life goes on. And no one is holding you back except yourself. Find the freedom that you are missing, find the keys to those locks that are keeping your mind prisoner, find the willpower to break all your shackles.. break free. You can not will the heart to stop hurting, but you can always build new dreams and live on new hopes. Take care, Love, Punam

  4. life is as u make it

    ignore the crap i said above... life isn't that... if i wanna be happy i CAN'T be happy for no reason.. their always will be sweet and sour elements that wud never part and i will be FORCED to live with it... with or without wish...
    life may not be as u make it but it is as u TAKE it...
    angel, all u wrote above is what i feel right now, the chain of love is going around the world connecting all of us... but only few have this luck to be with one he wants...
    i dnt have any suggestion as i myself need one..

    just take care sweetheart.

  5. Yes i agree with BA. Hope u feelin better now. Life is after all abt a gamut of emotions that u need to go through.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. yeah BREAK FREE one needs it once in a while in a lifetime ...

    Listen to mind not the heart .. Dil taan pagal hai
    do khadiyaan RO ke chu kar jau..

    heart is silly, will cry for some time and shutup...

    Take care and Al lthe best :)


  8. I can feel your sadness.
    I can feel your pain.
    We all hurt sometimes.

    What can I say?
    Shall I tell you that it's gonna pass?
    Shall I try to give you advice?
    Would that be any good?
    All you can feel is pain now, and anything I might tell you would seem just like a fairy tale.

    Yes, on a distant planet, far far away, there is a life full of joy.
    Maybe we will get there some day.

    Until then, just look at the sky.
    Wipe your tears and search for that flickering dot.

    It's somewhere out there.
    Search for it.

    Thank you for using my song,

  9. @Anshul: I guess its true... Um.. i am free :) Thank you pumpkin! :P

  10. @Neeha: Yes you are right... thanks :)

  11. @Punam: I know dear but life is sometimes unfair... thats why i don't like it :( Anyways I'll learn and keep going :)

  12. @Deepika: Your words reminds me of Dhawal :) he says that to me always :) Thanks :)

  13. @Ria: Yea true... 'am feeling good now.. thanks

  14. @Bikramjit: Oh thats a new side :) yea true :) Thank you..

  15. @Rhythmic: Those are beautiful lines dude :) Thank for visiting me.. keep coming :)

  16. hmm... lemme tag dhawal here... he needs to here urgently!!

  17. @Deepika: Well you are right hehe... :)

  18. well.... sweetie.. u r as free as you allow your mind to be..!!! it is all in the psyche..!! so stop worrying...
    if u can't...then, i guess there is something in ur heart that wants to be really expressed out openly..!!!

  19. @Dhawal: Oh thats sooo sweet... i guess there is something that i need to express... :) True it seems :) I was waiting for this take wow!

  20. "You cry, you feel, you love and you write for someone, that someone special. And the same person loves, cares, feels and writes for someone who does not love him..."

    Let me get it right. The problem is that the person you love is not loved back by someone he/she loves and that bothers you. Because according to you, he/she deserves to be loved by that person. Right? I don't think so.

    "Someone loves me, but I love someone else, and that someone loves some other person. Why is the circle of life so strange?"

    Wow! I didn't know everyone is loved in this world. Beautiful world it is. Isn't it? Why not make it better? Love the one you love and also love the one who loves you? Why be cheap when it comes to love?

    "When two lovers part, the pain of separation is borne by the only one person who’s feelings were real and honest."

    I don't think you mean two lovers here. Because when two lovers part, I think both of them feel the pain. You mean a couple. couple where one person is in love with the other or maybe just believes so.

    "Why a person coming in your life like a wind and fire makes your life so miserable that you can’t get off with the memories, you just can’t wipe out the remaining traces"

    Believe me, you don't want to wipe out all the traces of that memory. All you want is to be able to look at it as a thing in your far away past and that surely will happen. Like those days are a thing of the past when you thought you were immune to all this.

    "I just want to be a free bird, with no limits and no chains to hold on me to. I want to fly in this world; I want to break free of all illusions."

    I'm sure you will.

  21. @Wishv: What do you mean you didn't know everyone is loved on this planet? Ofcourse you are too.. Parents, friends and to the ones we matter... they love us.. its a vicious circle...
    And you know what, the pain of separation is felt by the one who actually loved, not someone who was in some relation for fun.. :)
    I think you gotta know that..
    I was looking forward to your insight :)

    Thank you.. :)

  22. That's my point. It's not a vicious circle at all. Its a web. So many people love you. So why not love all of them and a lot more of them? Why worry about one that doesn't love you back just because you love him/her. Love is never a right. Its a choice. A choice you don't have a control over. And you loving a person doesn't give you a right over his/her love. Even more so when there are so many others to love you.

    And i never disagreed to the fact that pain of separation is felt by the one who loved. I just said that if both of them don't love, then they aren't lovers at all. They are a couple with a kind of deal between them. Both of them want and expect something out of the other. And not only one of them is selfish, the one who is just pretending to love. But both of them are. They just don't realize it. Love, as we treat it, is a selfish act in itself.


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