Not easy enough....

I sail through my life very silently enough now-a-days and enjoy every moment of it. Everything is nice, the thing is I don’t expect much from life and so it makes me happy in whatever I have. I have my dreams and my ambitions to realise and those are that matter the most. I never talk to anyone about what I actually feel like; it’s just through this medium that I try to express myself.

Brain to the heart says:
“But it’s so strange like many other things in life that I still remember you, and in my lone moments I am drowned deep into you. I want to change, and I am sure I don’t want to go back, but then why do I think about you. I don’t need you, I am logical enough to understand this world, and I have decided I don’t want your opinions in anything. The thing is very clear; I don’t want you back, but then why your thoughts come back to me? Why do I still adore the time we spent together? I hate you for all the things you did to me; you took away my sense of rationalisation when you taught me to love. You did a very bad job of nursing the hurt. I hated it absolutely, but then why I still think about those good old days?”

Me to the monster inside me:
“It’s really very strange, the people who hurt you, who because you more harm than anyone in this world, impact you like no one. That deep impact is a part of the learning process, which I don’t want to be a part of, but still this world and my heart gives me a push into in this part of the learning. When I am not interested in this part,  which teaches us to love, then why am I getting all kind of stupid encounters and people who happen to be a part of it, can anyone explain me this part?”
“No.” He says, that stupid moron yet again falls onto a different story, on that special part, gosh save me, and he continues (being indifferent to my attitude), “You can’t be explained except for the circumstances that will come your way, you have to find your own answers.”

“Means I’ll have to cook up a story for my own satisfaction by analysing those senseless intrusions in my life. I prefer to call then intrusions as they are nothing but useless stuff, with someone trying to change my mind and possibly convince me which is very much impossible. Don’t please give me a lecture yet again, you know how I feel and think, you are wise and can read my mind. I want to say one thing, leave me, leave my brain, leave my heart, and leave me alone in my own solitude. It’s not for these things but logical analysis of my everyday life and the achievements I foresee.”

“I won’t say anything; I have never tried to impose on you. I can read you fully. But it’s your learning mind at fault; tell me how you’ll control it? It’s like those crazy pointless worms on a platter, it’s your mind, and I am not a controller. Rest. I’ll leave you in your loving peace.” He chuckles.

I understand the fire in this mind and learning process of it will never leave me..... Even if I don’t want to be a part of it... God! It’s not that easy enough in this world!


  1. forget the story part, just accept that a first is so by rank and power. a first of anything.

  2. confusion never stops,
    closing walls and ticking clocks

    Both are essential, one to learn and grow, other to feel and flow.

  3. Interesting post :)

    Hope you enjoy reading my post When love calls

  4. Is this post inspired our Chris Martin's Clocks???



  5. @Raj: Story? Which one? I didn't get you.....

    @Anshul: Nice lines.... I guess so... But the emotional trauma? And are those lines from Chris martin's song?

    @Romeo: Thanks... I'll get back to your post soon :)

    @Vaisakh: No I don't know this song... And yeah my communicable disease heeeheee :D

  6. ...indeed... a nver ending confusions arise in here... may you be happy always...Take care...

    peaceful weekend to you!:)


  7. Hmmmm dont know what to say but yeah the people closed to you will always manage to hurt you the worst...
    the brain is ro right saying all that to the heart ... heart does silly things and knowing that we still go for it with closed eyes ..
    but what do we do if people we meet and the ones who said they care are after all the traitors and betrayers and leave us in such a mess ...

    and yeah true its not that easy in this world.. god gave us MIND and a HEART .. and they both sometimes work the opposite way

    I feel with each word you have written story of my life .. God bless and take care

    Bikram's Blog

  8. @Kelvin: Hmm you are right.. thanks!

    @Bikramjit: Wow... I am glad you thought I penned the story of your life... Thanks a lot!

  9. Thats how life is..... We never know what is right.. It is just defined according to the circumstances..!!

  10. @Dhawal: Is this your one or more years of experience than me? :P

  11. i don't know...But thats what i have learnt from life in our present world... life is not like a hindi movie where everything perfect happens in the end.

  12. I can kind of relate to the part of your post in which you've mentioned about getting hurt but still clinging on to the memories...
    I read a quote in a book called 'I Remember'. It says 'The best way to forget is by remembering.'
    I like your blog :) Glad I stumbled upon it!
    Take Care!

  13. @Lonely dreamer: You are welcome! :))
    Thanks for visiting me!

  14. P(re).S. : I really should have written something here sooner. Anyways.. First, a question. What changed?

    The thing is very clear; I don’t want you back, but then why your thoughts come back to me?

    @Brain : You don't want it back? But you still have it. Thats why you are asking these questions. Things might have changed, but you'll never lose it. you'll never control her completely. The heart will always be there to stop you from changing completely, for worse. You might not want its opinions, but that doesn't mean you don't need them. It knows that and it'll always be there for you... for her. Thats why it nurses the hurt.. to stop you from turning against her.. to stop itself from turning against her. For you are not important, the heart is not important. SHE IS!!
    You know it and thats why you remember the good old days, the childhood and the innocent adolescence when she kept u both together. You will be together again when she completes the learning process she wants to give up. And she will.

    There is no monster inside you. You are the monster. Embrace it and remove the curse. You don't want to be a part of learning process because of some encounters and ppl that hurt you? Then stop learning. See what that makes you want to do. You'll learn from that too. Its a phase which you might have already overcome.

    Listen to the monster, listen to your heart and listen to your brain.. They all tell you the same thing. Listen to yourself. You are the most wise person to go to asking for advice. The monster is right. "You can’t be explained except for the circumstances that will come your way, you have to find your own answers"

  15. And of course, in all probability, i didn't get wat u intended when you wrote the post. So my response is based only on my interpretation of it which might be entirely out of context here.

  16. @Wishv: Actually if I tell you, there was conflict going on in my mind when I wrote this, I just wanted to run away from my own feelings, thoughts and lessons. Thus, the post! :)
    One question, when you wrote to the brain, you took heart as female?

  17. did i? i don't think so.. When i wrote 'it', that was heart or brain.. When i wrote 'her', that meant you.. I may have slipped sometime but i doubt it..

  18. but then of course. I do feel that "heart" is more feminine than it is masculine.

  19. Hmm.. Yes now I understood :)

    And heart is feminine?! Well I haven't thought that much about it :P
    But for me its 'The heart' sexless or you can call a neuter :)

    And I agree, I know I am the monster still the monster is right, that means I am too, and there comes the doubt again, isn't it? Well Circumstances will tell soon enough.. :):)

    You help me a lot, Thanks dude!

  20. I never said its feminine. I said its more feminine than masculine. We all are feminine and masculine to a certain degree. thats what i meant.

    And i am really glad if what i say helps you. Coz i always think i shouldn't write all that. Still i do it. Don't know why. So thanks :)


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