My dear friend

This one’s for you my dear!

Those eyes of benevolence,
Lovely and in adolescence,
Your smile as naughty as that five year old,
Still the same giving and joyous nature.

Your mutterings,
Small misunderstandings,
And your boyish love,
Which made me laugh,
Ever so often.

There’s nothing absolutely nothing,
That you don’t know,
Either about me or my life,
We have grown up to become adults,
Our days of innocence gone far behind,
But still we hold a strong and rare bond infinite,
No strong winds are strong enough to break it,
No person armed enough to destroy it,
No storm can ever break it.

The relation which blossomed,
Over the many years we spent,
Right from waking up,
To saying goodbyes at midnight,
From discussing stupid stuff,
To taboo serious topics,
We never had enough of each other.

Long hours spent together during the summer,
Watching cartoons and movies,
Playing games and dancing,
Sharing candies and fighting,
Singing in dreams and flying,
It has all been with you,
And there’s no one like you.

We have grown up now,
Leaving those golden years behind,
Now we seldom play,
Because you find it childish,
By just talking and telling,
Listening and smiling,
Seeing you make my fun,
I try to fill my never ending quench.

I wanna tell you,
Just one thing,
However far I maybe,
An however sad I maybe,
You are the one, who comes to my mind,
I am going to be the same stupid heroine,
And you my ghochu,
And one more thing yaar,
I really love you!!!

Note: Dedicated to my best friend Mihir.


  1. wow,...this is beautiful :)

  2. "Why does your heart grow doubtful dear?
    Tense and beating, full of fear.
    I keep with me your everlasting love,
    and bless the day God sent you from above.

    You remain my angel and I feel that I must,
    tell you that within you, you have my trust.
    My love is the tide, your soul is the shores,
    you have my heart, do I have yours?

    I'll belong to you till the very end,
    and you will forever stay as my lover and friend.
    It has been so good like this from the start,
    so darling please, trust me with your heart. "

    THANKS TO Kathleen Sheppard

  3. @Anshul: Thank you, I will show it :P

    @Shail: Thank you!

  4. @Ria:Thank you...

    @Sakhii: Hey welcome to my blog... And thank you... Keep coming.

  5. @Anon: Well those lines are beautiful... and the rest too.. But may I know who is this?

    @Shas: Welcome to my blog! Thank you.. Keep coming.

  6. awww bless you.. sweet dedication
    god bless your friendship :)

    very hard to find such friends and even harder to keep the friendship going .. So kudos to you ..

    Bikram's Blog

  7. @Mayz: Welcome to my blog... Thank you and keep coming. :)

    @Vaisakh: umm.. smile please! :)

    @Bikramjit: Thank you for the blessings... Yes we have come a long way, I indeed feel lucky to have him always by my side :)

  8. Tanvi, that's a sweet tribute to a true friendship. Touche.

  9. @Punam: Thank you... I wanted to do this since long, now I found words for my true friend :)

  10. my first time is lovely.
    best wishes

  11. @Anon: Hi Bob and thanks...

    @Nowhereboy: I don't like addressing you like this at all... but have no choice.. Thanks for visiting me and you are always welcome.. Keep coming..

  12. very nicely written..!!! :)


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