Gone are the days....

From a new born to a toddler, from an infant to a school girl and from a small adolescent little girl to a teenager. This I can call as my evolution in these last 18years from my first birthday.

A small little girl to a young adult. Having a cute little smile on your face, a mischievous look and straying thoughts of your soul, a free bird, a great flight in this new wholesome world.
It was that time when I used to take my baby steps and run around the house, in and around our garden, play with every other person in our neighbourhood and cry whenever mum called inside. 

My grandpa used to play cricket with me, always I used to do batting, and he compiled smiling always, when my grandpa was my all time companion, from going grocery shopping to cycling. Dad used to come home late, when I was mostly in dirty clothes from playing in the mud, or sometimes I was seen banging utensils in the kitchen playing it like a musician, and he used to smile and join me.

Ah! The journey, the main part started when I joined school, my favourite place of all. I was mostly seen on the window panes of my play group class, my teacher used to complain to my mum about my naughtiness. All those days slipped pass like small small fraction of moments, registering every mischief of mine in golden memories, some I remember some I don’t, but my mum dad know them all. All my silly dialogues to my talking, they were though never so close to me but still they remember each and everything.

Those first days of fancy dress, singing, & dancing competitions, everything was innocent beautiful and lovely! Then came the adolescence and with it my brain, it was just then that I started having opinions about certain things, I started participating in debates, panel discussions and elocution competitions. Those were the times, the foundation of my school days started building, I made some really wonderful friends, including teachers and the principal alike.... the fun , the innocent teasing, and addressing every other current topic. Discussing about crimes and news during our lunch break, sometimes studies and about life.... those moments of fights and misunderstandings, of monitoring the class and the victory of becoming the member of the governing body in school....

It was very beautiful, the teary eyed teachers bidding us goodbyes on graduation day and our principal addressing us by our nature (I was the firebrand!!!). Having grown up in a wonderful environment where the principal knew every student personally I always feel loved. I miss those days immensely.

Sometimes when I look back I see how I used to say that I never want to get promoted to Xth for the fear of leaving school. Today I still feel the same, I miss the fun, I miss the strong bonding, I miss the petty fights over competitive activities, and I miss everything. I miss my school a lot. I know I learnt a lot, and I could learn a lot more in that secure environment if I was still there.

When I look back to those years I miss being that girl who was once so sure of herself, I miss being innocent and sweet. The world is harsh, I stand in front of my school and the hard falling raindrops block my line of sight. It’s cold, it’s a dark night, and a chill runs throughout my body when I can foresee the future. I can’t fight back my tears when I consider these last two years after school, and I am afraid of the future, I am afraid of my life, afraid of this world. I stand alone, wet, on this cold dark night in front of my school gates from where I can peek into the interiors, and I still stand out in this world wishing once more to go back, but here I am stuck in the dark, a vulnerable teenager in this cruel world.

We were better off when we didn’t know about world wars, we were happy when Einstein didn’t discover the atom bomb, and the theory of relativity was like a distant dream, an open wound seemed Yuk and an injection was like a big bad shot only for the criminals......  That time was actually golden when we felt love was only about Cinderella and her Prince Charles, Snow white and her true love, the beauty and beast which had all the strength in the world, and a mother holding her child tight in worst of storms, when my little brain was filled with dreams of Aesop’s fables. When everything was as innocent as it could best possibly be.... I guess we were far better off.

It was that time when we were small, and looked to this world as newbie’s with curious eyes..... Now we have grown up to hate it right from the bloody mean relations to this entire world of cruel intentions...

I hope, I wish, I dream about one and only one thing, to get rolled back to those golden days, to relive those innocent moments of lovely childhood!

Just yesterday when I woke up my mum came by my side and smilingly said,” Get ready for school dear.” I was perplexed, I knew I had dreamt of going to school but this is unexpected. For a very small fleeting second I thought I am small again, I searched my mum’s face for clues, I saw the twinkle in her eye and said, “Gone are those days, gone are those awesome school days, gone is my childhood.”

When today I sit writing this, I know this lump in my heart is always going to bug me. I am always going to miss my school and its premises where in the bud of childhood I built some dreams, and today when I am ready to blossom, look back to those stupid days of dreams and realize they are indeed going to be true someday, somewhere miles away from their origin.
I can’t believe I am past my school life, I can’t digest the very thought of becoming a adult this year, because I still remember that last day of school when I sat on teacher’s table sadly wondering that it was over, all over, the perfect love of my life was saying a wonderful goodbye... .... .............................. ..............    ...............   ........

And again I realize “Indeed gone are those days.......................zzzz......”


  1. I'm not going to say that college life will be even better and will be the best part of your life as it had been for me. (so far, of course)

    I'm not going to say that you should move on as we all have to do. Or that you will have better things in store for you.

    I'm not going to say that you have to leave this protective world and that is the only way to make those dreams come true. The dreams you had during this wonderful time and the dreams you'll gladly give up to live that phase again to find new dreams.

    I'm not going to say that when your dreams will come true you will realize that getting past those childhood days and the school days was worth it. That then you will look at your school days as a wonderful memory that you need to cherish just as a stepping stone to something better.

    I'm not going to say that I feel the same about my childhood days when i didn't have to care about the world or any part of it except my little world the events of which were precious to me and irrelevant to everyone else.

    And I'm not going to say that its just a part of life. Or thats how life works.

    I'm not going to say any of that because its all trivial. Most things among them(and more) you already know. Most things among them (and more) are just not true. They are just empty words. Most things among them (and more) you have heard endless number of times, said to others quite a few times (just an assumption), will hear them from so many people and will say to others to make them feel better. (I don't know if that really works)

    I'll just say that reading your post reminded me of my old days, good and bad parts, both. Reminded of some people and some places and some events. I thank you and curse you for that at the same time. Its beautifully written.

  2. Tanvi, I can think of only one chapter from my textbooks right now,

    'The Future is now, a zest for living'


  3. we are better off not knowing who and what we really are. for after a point of time the same things we love irritate us :)

    there are two phrases for it.
    one growing up.
    two moving on.
    three carelessly shifting from addiction to qaddiction so as to float in a sea without a bottom :P

    the third was just my imagination :P

    btw get into a college and a hostel. thats where you make more than just friends. :)
    no offence meant but you dont know how much is out there waiting for you unless you get out of your bed!!!

    go party lady!

  4. @Wishv: Wow! You know something, your comments are actually better than my post itself :P Hehe

    And yes I did my job, doesn't matter what you don't want to tell me, all that same things again, I know what you mean, even if you say you don't want to, you still indeed have. :))

    You remembered those days, my work is complete, I am blessed. Thanks dude!

    @Anshul: Well the future? Ummm... You know 'am afraid to even think about it. I don't have any idea if it will be good or bad(No one does)
    but then...... .......
    I have that zest for living, will make sure to shrug off this fear :))

    And thanks to you that day you made me laugh, and smile and I just kept on laughing..... I really appreciate!

  5. @Raj: Well what you say is true.... Things we love become the objects of irritation later on :P

    Those two phrases, umm... let me tell you its not a relationship issue I am talking about, you can't possibly say move on, its the wrong term for it.
    And yes I have grown up, But not out of it unfortunately...
    The third one though your imagination is quite true to the case.. :)
    I know how its like in college, dunno about hostel will soon experience it though...
    But you don't realize one thing, school days are those innocent ones where you make friends not for companionship but for love :))

  6. it is called moving on :)
    you dont just move over people. you move over ideas and tastes but maybe you are right.
    school days. aah yes. there was always innnocence involved. and a little love.

  7. @Raj: It was not little love, its lots of love innocent and beautiful love :))

  8. This post made me so nostalgic. I feel school n college days were the best days of life. Its not that i m leading a bad life now, but its just that things were less complicated back then.

  9. Hi Tanvi,

    It is something I am also missing at the moment, After joining college, I found out that my class mates come from different walks of life and its hard to be friends with everyone of them like we used to in the school..

    Moreover, being in this course, things are so hectic, I just really miss my school days,

    Thanks for bringing a nostalgic feeling..


  10. indeed school was fun where we all were friends BUt I had a better experience in COllege and for me college was the golden time for me

    I loved the relation you had with your grandfather , I also had a lovely relation with mine , I was more closer to him then my dad, he was everything my friends and my ATM card tooo... I cant remember any time where he would have said NO to me for anything ...

    but life is funny we move on.. each phase has its own charm and bauty depends how we make it to be

    Nostalgic feeling for me loved it ..
    All the best to you in future may you have much more fun ...

    Bikram's Blog

  11. Finally, I'm back :)
    Loved the post.Gave me nostalgic memories about my childhood.
    For a fraction of a second, I thought :
    I wish I could go back to school again.

    Well written, Tanvi.
    Keep Happy blogging

  12. @Ria: Hey I am glad you liked it and yes you are right things were far more less complicated then.....

    @Vaisakh: Hmmmm thats the only one thing we can actually do now, miss them. But yes people from different walks of life should not stop you from making them friends :))

    @Bikram: Oh! I love my grandpa and am visiting him this weekend!!! I am excited.
    "Each phase comes and goes,
    we have nothing to gain nor to lose"

    @Netha: Oh I am so gald to have you here finally!! :D
    I have written this post only for that fraction of a second :)

    @All: Thanks everyone!

  13. Wow...Well Written...I Love This Whole Post!


  14. ...yeah... that was so good... rememberin' the past and missin' those days that are gone now but never one can ever forget.... i remember my childhood days too... thanks for the memories...^^



  15. @Moonshine: Thanks for the appreciation... I'll keep on posting :)

    @Kelvin: Oh I am glad to give you all those moments to relive once again.... And more glad to remind you of the sweet memories associated with school days...

    ALL: I express my gratitude to all of you. At first I thought I didn't do justice to this sensitive topic, but I am happy with the outcome... :)


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