Of Solitary Walks....

Why is it that sometimes we feel all alone? Why is our life filled with all kinds of dirty debris? Why sometimes I feel I am caught up in this huge cage? Round and big this world is like a cage. And I sometimes just want to escape, escape from this cruel world and its mean people. I sit in the bus which takes me to my destination, and I question myself when I see everyone around me asleep. In that solitude, I hear voices unknown, songs of country music, of a language that is unknown to me, and I see people huge and strong whom I am afraid of. I head to Bangkok from the small city Pattaya, eyes watering with sadness sadness unknown. I sit by the window look at my mom, her beautiful face glistening in the dark, and her temples shining with the twilight coming in from the window panes...

Why am I sad? I still question myself....  sometimes even though I have everything in life, all the happiness in the world, and all my near and dear ones with me, I feel alone, all alone. A serenity which brought my hypothalamus to life, and a thirst which only music could quench, and a question which makes me stray on the paths of life, leads me to a unknown destiny... and I still stand alone, In the dark, with fading light coming in from the far street, looking at people laughing, enjoying and living it up.

I sometimes actually feel I want to be left all alone. I have chosen those moments when I wanted that, and one of it is stated in the first Para.  I sit in the middle of crowd, which consists of all my family members and I still feel I am alone. In this journey of life there’s no one here with me. People just see their convenience; if their path matches ours then we are together, or else apart. For a very simple relation to break, even one second is enough, but to build it we need thousands of such seconds... I am not saying that because of a bad experience, but out of knowledge.

Now a day’s things and aquantainces are just merely made because of convenience and not out of choice. We see the future of one relation exists only till we want it to be, later it’s finished. But the main point is I feel alone, there’s an unnamed sadness, whose reason I am unaware of.  I keep on exploring new things, new people, and a new life in every second of my existence... but this is the reason, I am finding an answer, to this life, heading to unknown place, still determined to make it somewhere, someplace, away from all my roots....
I walk by these streets, and travel in this city, alone, to find the one reason, to find the one answer................. Answer.......answers.......... my thought process....... my questions.......

I walk this walk and ask this world the answer for being so mean and beautiful at the same time. I ask this world the reason of my existence, the reason of my loneliness when I have so many people for company.
Today I am walking on this street, where there’s no one, no one to accompany me on this solitary walk, on which I have decided to uncover the reason, for all but of my own loneliness. I look to the sea, and the wild water running, the birds’ singining, the trees dancing, clouds hovering over me, and it starts drizzling.....
I wonder whether I am really alone.

One more question! 


  1. "I realize how lovable I am 'cause joys and sorrows fight to get me, but the only complaint is that joy never seems to win. " :(

    Result of my too much thinking.... Well I know you people will think I am a nut :P
    And i proudly am :D :)

  2. It's now officially my favorite post. Now that I read it, I realize I was actually waiting for it and you've written it for me. I know its strange and really not true. But that's how I feel.

  3. And I bet now you know what you saw as my identity crisis, was not what it seemed.

  4. why is that you are unhappy when you have everything you need to be happy?

    when i think of me, its because at that point of time there isnt anything that can drive me crazy with desire.

    maybe that applies to you. find out. get back to me.

    sometimes all you need. is to want. something. stupid. anything.

  5. @Wishv: I am glad to know you liked it and that its what you were waiting for :)
    And yes now I know it was different what I saw as identity crises.

    @Raj: I do think you are right. When everything goes just as you want it to be, you have nothing to wait for, nothing to look forward to,and there's absolutely nothing to ask for.

    I will find out and definitely get back to you :) Thanks!

  6. lady. want. so bad. that it hurts. and you will be happy. most of the time.

  7. @Raj: I didn't get your point?

  8. have a dream. run after it. thats all.

  9. Oh common I have and moreover I am running after it, in that race i don't want to forget the small joys of life, the innocent attractions. Thats my real happiness :)

  10. Hey Tanvi! nice post. We all are born alone and we die alone but during the time we spend on this earth, there are people around you, your family and friends who take care of you look out for you.

    There are some times when I too feel that I want to be left alone, but then life can not be lived alone is what I think.

    PS: Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a comment. :)

  11. @Enigma: Yes we can't live alone, but still I like it.... Hope it changes soon :)

    Thanks for visiting me.. :)

  12. nice post..!!!
    but dont view life as a complaint...
    our life is how we choose to make it... v may not realize but its direction lies only and only in our hands...!!!
    just tread on the path ur heart tell u to... and thr wont be a tanvi asking questions like "why m i here" n all that stuuff...!!
    :P :P

  13. nyc 1 !! :) nd i knw it takes one stupid sec 2 lose it all..
    Sumtyms v dont need to find ans 4 all ques.. Either ans cums 2 us frm no wer or dat ques is not meant to think dat much 4..

  14. @Dhawal: Hehe :D :P :P I won't ever stop asking questions, thats the most special part of my personality :P :P

    And I don't view life as a complaint neither I am complaining, its just that in everything in every step and in every happiness, I find a hollowness. I have named it as unknown sadness! :P

    And I agree we can shape our life by our hands. :)

    @Don: Yes thats a very different perspective yaar. Sometimes even I feel like, somethings, its best to leave them unanswered. But you know me very well :P :P
    I never stop asking asking questions!!!

  15. we feel alone in a crowd because we were born alone and we die alone

  16. Tanvi, Thanks for dropping by at my blog. I am going to be back here to read yours soon. I think I am going to like your blog a lot, coz it has a lot that screams 'me'.

  17. www.theunderageoptimist.blogspot.com

  18. @Akshay: Yes its true, but somewhere down the line, I feel different. Don't know exactly what!

    @Punam: Oh thanks for dropping by! I will be glad to have you here :))

    And the "mee" content is to express my thoughts and feelings. Taking notes of this living life to make it more fulfilling :) Do visit!

  19. I read a quote sometime ago, "It's not that we don't know the correct answers, but we don't ask the right qiestions".

    And yes, being alone, or feeling lonely are good at times, they replenish the mind; but too much of them sure can be bad. They needn't be turned into a seed for execrable depression.

  20. @Sayak: Thanks for dropping by!
    The quote is indeed true :)

  21. Tanvi: Misinterpretation, I was not referring to me-mes but I was referring to myself.. I found a bit of myself hidden here.. :)

  22. @Punam: Oh its great that you could relate... Do keep visiting me! :)


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