Love in the two faced world...

Guys don’t fret, oh please don’t! I have chosen to write on a topic like this today knowing fully that I won’t be able to do justice to it: P
Maybe because I don’t have the adequate experience (just as my friends always say), but because I know we can observe and form opinions only when we are at a distance from it, out or in we can’t. It’s the truth ‘cause somewhere down the line we have that ego, and we don’t accept things that we do, however wrong they may be... J

I know I maybe sounding outstandingly idiotic and crazy, but guys bear with me, and I had to bring this up, someday someplace to introspect....

“What do you mean, when you say that you love me?” I really want the answer. “What do you  mean by love is not my destination?” Should I take it as like, “love is just a hobby for me, but my career is important because girl I need money.” When guys say such seemingly stupid stuff, it points out to their shallow thinking, and very narrow understanding. Or should I say cowardly?! Very well they are afraid, so are girls!

But then from where this love comes in between??? I don’t get this. Why do you malign a feeling of that rank? We in today’s world just don’t know what it means; actually not even our forefathers know its meaning. Yes unfortunately this is the condition. Why would then the kings and queens marry countless number of times?  Taj Mahal the symbol love, built by Shahajahan for his fourth wife out of the seven he had, and when she died he married her sister. God all this is just show-off in the name of the so called “love”. The biggest question arises is of love, where is this love???

I see it as, okay Emperor Shahajahan married seven girls, maybe he was in search of true love, but unfortunately he did not get, or maybe he did not want it. All mattered was the money and his throne. It’s still the same.  In every person’s life he/she has at least two girlfriend/boyfriend, this is the average okay some have more and with god’s grace they even are happy, don’t know for what? Either for getting so many chicks, or with the feeling that they hot and desirable.  Well well well, what are we humans arriving at???

Love is the truest of feelings; I have known it like that since childhood. Maybe I won’t get anyone who loves me(significant other), but that won’t destroy my faith in that four letter word... let the bad experience take a back seat, it doesn’t even matter. People run behind a girl or a boy saying that they love her/him.  Why do you do that? You don’t have to run behind love? It’s not a goddamn train or bus!!! Nor will knock on your door though, but still I mean its eternal, you see them and at that very moment you know it all. And that’s all. (I guess this sounds too filmy: P)

A guy loves a girl, who was his gf but she left, reasons known to her. Then she came back saying she can’t do any wrong with him, and that she doesn’t deserve him as she loves another guy and she gave everything to that another guy. Well well, first of all she was dishonest, second she used him for temporary pleasure, knowing very well that she didn’t love him, and now she came back again started saying stuff like deserving and all. Bullshit!!! God how stupid is this guy behind her; he still believes she is good and that she is in terrible pain. Man if you can feel her pain, become a messiah or her advisor and good friend, why a lover? If you still love her out of sympathy then let me tell you this isn’t love. The moment you understand a person’s love you are liked, but when you start feeling that pain, dude you lost!!! You are not supposed to feel pain, you are not asked for sympathy or for any solution, if she wanted to be with you would she not have emotionally blackmailed you saying she doesn’t deserve you! This is such a terrible mess. Doctors treat thousands of people who are sick, and I can see hundreds begging in terrible condition, I feel their pain and I have sympathy, but then it’s not love, its love out of sympathy.... (If you disagree do think this way, just give it a thought. Consider this example.)

Only when you can make a person understand, bring him/her out of his problems only then you stand to hold the right to love that person. If you derive only happiness, want only the good things and no problems in your paradise, I must say you should try getting a pet, not a lover. Infact pets are true lovers; there are many facets to this fact too.
Still we teenagers get into relationships, sometimes being aware of the absence of love. I don’t know what’s it for.
 And without any experience I can’t say anything on this. Just as my friend Wishv says it’s an experience in itself, though a bad one, you can learn J

Finally I can’t arrive on any conclusion, sorry. J
He he you all must be thinking I am crazy, let me tell you I certainly am...
And all the best with your so called “love”: P: P


  1. I won't disagree.

    Maybe I would answer when I myself have the answer.

  2. Love, for most of us(including me), is just a word. We can't tell what love is. There is no way it could be done. So we assign this word to different feelings. "Sympathy" being one of them as you correctly identified. But thats not it. Love, for all of us, is not just sympathy. For some, it's pity, it's jealousy, it's insecurity, it's doubt, it's envy, it's power over another individual, the feeling of possession of another life, dependence on another person, another person's dependence on you, it's desperation, it's fear, it's domination of another person on you, it's the feeling of your domination on another person and there is no end to this list.. We all confuse 'love' with 'one or another' and 'one or more' of those things and we have a perfect excuse to defend it as well.
    "You don't know it coz you're not in love" or "You'll know it when you will feel it".

    Now I won't say love doesn't exist. It might be out there. But most of the defenders of love are phonies and they just don't know it.. They totally believe they are prophets of love and the love they have is pure, devoid of anything else.. But at the same time, they contradict themselves. They say love can't exist without feeling of possesion or jealousy and so on.. They are just innocent victims of what the think is love. For the simple fact that for most of us, "Love is confusion"

    Oops.. i'm feeling like i'm not writing a comment but a whole post.. i should better stop

  3. I just can't resist if i see questions, even though rhetorical. I already told you that. But to add to it, I don't know the answers most of the times but to make myself at peace with myself, I make up answers.. Here are a few of the answers meant just for me though, but out loud again..

    “What do you mean, when you say that you love me?”
    It need not be a big deal for i use this phrase for so many things. I love cheese, i love coffee, i love ice cream, i love reading, i love my parents, i love being alone.. So why does it have to be a big deal when i say I love Pia, Gia, Tia, Sia(hehehe) ... i love you??
    But when I say it like "I love only you", then it might be a big deal.. And i can bet that anyone who says it like that, doesn't mean it.

    “What do you mean by love is not my destination?”
    It means I love other things too.. Maybe even more than you. But even if not more than you, maybe collectively I love them more than you.. If i have to, I can leave one or two of them for you, not all of them.

    But then from where this love comes in between???
    Because, here love may not signify "love" but confusion with other things like "need", "desperation", "competition and jealousy".

    Why do you malign a feeling of that rank?
    If you think love is a feeling of too high a rank, maybe you are confused about the word too.. Maybe as much as I am. Maybe we know what love isn't.. But we don't know what it is..

    The biggest question arises is of love, where is this love???
    Everywhere.. Nowhere.. It doesn't matter. Coz we can't recognize it anyway.

    People run behind a girl or a boy saying that they love her/him. Why do you do that?
    Here the word has definitely substituted "desperation"

    P.S : I really didn't mean to post so lengthy comments.. Just couldn't resist.. You should give yourself the credit for writing something that makes people the need to respond to, which i have encountered rarely.. And i don't need to give you feedback about your post for i have never typed and thought this much for any other post. I guess it says it all

  4. sweetie lemme tel u luv is totally not ur stuff nd dis post did sound bit idiotic sum wer ;) ;)
    nd its not stupidity, its dat true luv in a prsn who even aftr knwing dat ders no feelings on othr side keep on luving dat prsn.... its rlly hard to suddenly strt hating a prsn whom u once luved dearly, no matter hw much bad dat prsn does 2 us... (P.S.: atleast in my case) coz it takes a hell lots of effort to drive dat feeling out of ur heart.......

  5. Tanvi:
    Very very deeply resounding questions I must say!! Let me tell you, if you think you are crazy, I must be too, coz I agree with you. Ahh, the questions you ask, I mean.. we all have them in the minds, but never 'think'.. yours is a thinking mind. And pleaase clue me in when u find the answers!!
    Cheers, Punam

  6. @Anshul: Tell me when you get the answers :)

    @Wishv: "The biggest question arises is of love, where is this love???
    Everywhere.. Nowhere.. It doesn't matter. Coz we can't recognize it anyway." I agree fully.
    And dude don't worry I never mind you posting long comments, they are all some very different views.

  7. @Don: Your one thing is true, love is not my stuff... Others LOL!!!
    I can't say anything, true love and all whoa something beyond me :P :P

    But yes if you are determined you can forget those idiots, just because you live for yourself, not for him. Its your life!

    @Punam: Thanks again! These are some of the questions that I keep on asking, but there are whole lot of them I want an answer about. Will clue you in when i stumble upon it. Till then read the next comment, maybe you'll get a hint :)

  8. Ajin: (He replied me his comment on my mail,here it is)Love..... aaah such a beautiful topic.....

    there r ppl in this world who do know the meaning.... n who have loved....
    but they r the only ones who dosent show the world abt it......

    m not great at history..... n i wasent aware that shahajan had 6 wifes before he built the mahal and that damn guy even married an other after her death....... that guy did it all for fame for sure....

    love is just a simple word in the dictionary.... but puttin it in a sentence 'i love u' dosent say i do..... no it dosent.....

    love according to me is just being there for that one no matter what.... love is compromise... love it hate.... love is a kiss on the cheeks of that one when he/she is dizzy....

    love is very hard to explain..... n when i see ppl expressing their love over the mobile, internet, sms, blah blah blah..... its just kills me..... love must be expressed in front of that one so that u can see in her eyes and have a glimpse of her heart which if for u will sparkle.....

    if one wants to express love he/she must express in front of her... and cant just go n say he/she loves him/her but to make the other person feel that he/she loves him/her

    love is a beautiful feeling in the heart... which tell u he will be there... which turns ur darkness to beautiful sunrise....

    oh gosh...... m stoppin.......

  9. Love is something which has no fixed definition as such...its something that only those who have experienced it can talk about, i can see a lot of ppl have written abt what love i shall leave it for u to figure out. :)

    For me love makes me complete, it makes me who i am.

  10. Hey Tanvi,

    I see you are trying hard to find many answers on this topic,

    I'll say how I approach this, first of all, love has lot of dimensions, like towards parents, friends etc..
    and the one you mentioned felt by a teenager is/becomes true when he/she does not know why He/she is attracted to the other person,
    If its cos o looks and hot features I think Lust is a better word, and if its cos of the excellent virtues, call it Admiration, not love...

    Love does not have a definition, its not easy to figure out and you can understand it only if you have experienced it, just committing yourself blindly to someone...

    Anyway keep the research going

  11. @Ria: I guess you must be loving someone, 'cause thats how people in love may describe it :)

    I may figure it out one fine day, hoping for the best ;)Thanks!

    @Vaisakh: Dude I always try to figure out answers to even stupid questions :P

    Thanks for trying to explain me what love is, well I don't think it will get digested :P
    The research is on, hoping for some good outcome :) Hehe :D

  12. some great man once said.
    love is an illusion that makes a normal average woman or a man mistake another similar being for a god or a goddess. something like that.
    nothing can deny that i guess.

  13. wooo hoooo... WHat a set of questions.. in my experience and i will be harsh LOVE is nothing but a FARCE in this totally manipulative, disloyal and selfish world...

    Exactly I would like to know WHat is this love.. I sympathise with the guy in your story he indeed is a fool , thinking that the girl is in pain.. NO my dear friend she is not in pain, she probably needs another one night stand or something and finding no one she has come back to you...

    The Taj mahal well I did not know what you have written about 7 wives and the king marrying the sister WOWOWOW... if only i was a KING :)

    YEs i have learnt a lot from my relationship good or bad i dont know but Indeed it has made me more sensible cause i know what sort of people live in this world the ones who will kiss you and have a dagger to push in you back simultaneously ...

    Indeed the question What is love.. Does it exist .. Loved this post Tanvi nice one ....

  14. @Raj: I do agree :)

    @Bikram: Wow I didn't knew you would have same views ;)
    But yes you are right... That question exists.

    Thanks for appreciation, loved it!

  15. u knw something...!!!
    LOve is not wat u have depicted to have observed in the world...!!
    today, love is more about the feeling that u think u r being loved by someone... n love is not limited to bf/gf thing.... there is a love of friends,parent-child n evn bodies too..!!! As u pointed out about the "significant other" thing,its not wat u have seen. Its about supporting ur partner wen he/she is wrong. Its about doing something without thinking. brain can't come in love. YOU CAN"T LOVE AND THINK AT THE SAME TIME. is bling and thats what true love is... EVn the person u love may be wrong, may not reciprocate the same to u,u may hav to run behing him/her.... but yes thats love. If the person doesn't love u back n u still wish for him/her, that is love.
    Brain and love can't co-exist. Thats the irony of love. As soon as u start thinking that "if this is love?", u have lost the feeling of love. Its a question of which u should not know the answer. If u knw the answer, Then sorry, u have lost the love n used ur brain.

    (sorry tht i hav been vague in my view, but its hard to express such things) :P
    May u find some love...!!!

  16. @Dhawal: Its a different perspective I respect you.
    Thats what I am saying, love is not something that you find in having a gf/bf...

    Its something that you find in everything around, yourself, your parents, your friends.. In truth, in honesty, in faith, in kindness, in help...

    If you can't find this type of love(In your significant other), then what do you name it as? Ans me? What is then it is?? Its just a illusion. What I mean is love is losing its essence in 21st century!!!

    I don't need to find love, I am surrounded by it....

  17. as far as significant other is concerned, its just like finding the best of friends...
    Its just that ppl hate to wait for the guy/gal in this case whereas no one cares or hurries about finding the best friend. Thats wat makes the difference in people's perspective in seeing the two things. Each love is different. Two love of different kind SHOULD not be compared. If people think that all the things in the world that we define as love should all satisfy the same critirea, then we are wrong..!!
    maybe here i m confusing in putting my thots into words. :P


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