My new grandma!

Just yesterday one of my friends called my friend up and asked us to come urgently to a secluded place. He said it was important, very important, and just for two minutes. We decided to go and see what was up with him, it was around 6-45pm. When we met there he was crying, rubbing his eyes red with fresh tears fighting to keep away. We asked him what’s the matter, but he led us to a place to his see grandma (he calls an old woman his grandma) who was very ill. 
We entered an old age home, and he quietly sat beside an old woman in the old age care centre, calling her grandma. He introduced her to us, she was so happy to see us. Her eyes were filled with tears of happiness, seeing us she was thrilled, she took our hands in hers and held them to her eyes, she kissed our hands and held them as she told us her story.
It was very touching. She had two sons but both of them abandoned her. She had Falciparum malaria, and now her condition was very worse, she was wearing a torn gown and was waif thin. She wanted to go to Haridwar but she can’t, her health is not good. I felt very bad when she cried on her life. Life is very cruel L

Why are those parents who bring us up left abandoned? Why are we so selfish and why is this world so insensitive? And if there are financial constraints then it’s a different story, but when we earn so much, and when we still can’t care for those ripe souls we should feel ashamed. I get very disturbed; maybe one day I will see some loved ones of mine in similar situation. No I can’t even think of it, oh god please never do that with anyone. The people their live in bad conditions, poor hygiene, and poor food. The place is dingy and the surroundings make one feel nervous. I am going to do what I can for them.

But still that question goes on in my mind....... why? Why can’t we provide a shelter, meals, and good care for those, who struggle to bring us up, educate us teach us and instill such values which we upon growing so easily forget about???????? Why can’t we love them? It’s such a small thing in return to their unending love and attention.... but we still fail to give it to them. We are becoming more and more nuclear, which is harmful for our existence. 

Those eyes look at me,
Pleading for sympathy,
And kiss my hands lovingly,
The struggle for survival,
At this ripe age,
With the shaking hands,
They still fight,
With the world so cruel,
To achieve their goodwill........

It’s such a small price for the love and care that they shower upon us. Visiting this place fills me with tears, I fight them back, but I can’t hold onto myself. Just a small hug makes their day. They long to hear a word which make them feel cared for and loved. They want your love, and not money. They want to hear you talk, rather than shout. Our world is turning into a nightmare, which doesn’t fade away with the long dark night. It comes back again and again, for it is the bitter truth. Just if I could reach out to those suffering souls, I would be blessed.

I request my readers to please understand their plight and help them in any way you can.

Note: I am grateful to Adi who called me to meet his grandma who is now mine too... she is very ill, and I pray for her well being. Thanks Adi....


  1. its basic human essence. you have enough of it and no doubt you will misuse it. whether it be love friendship or a bloodline.

  2. Raj I am seriously speechless. I don't want to misuse it neither I ever will. I want to serve mankind and humanity. I hope I can pull it off, and I am determined to do it :)

  3. criusly...such people deserve to be shot publicly in the head in the middle of the road. thats how human has always been.. He doesn't realize the value of anything until it is lost...!!! no wonder..the same happens to them too...!!!

  4. sad really SAD .. I hate such people , I hope and pray that a day never comes when I ignore my parents or grand parents ...

    My prayers for the grandma.. and God bless you and all the best in what you want to do ..

  5. Really wonderful piece of writing..

    Service to man is service to God..
    God will surely bless you Tanvi and Adi..

    Pray for her fast relief..

  6. @Bikramjit: It really is sad that we forget our elders in life.... I hope this changes.. Thanks a lot!

    @Shubhadeep: Thanks and god will bless you too ;)

  7. phew. at least there is someone who can do mankind good. try. :)

  8. i pray for her and others like her.

    its simply our sick social system at fault. even those who moan about parents of boys, don't think parents of girls should be taken care of.
    imagine how different baghban would have appeared if he had 4 daughters.

    and for that matter, its worse of orphans. most of the mothers give away their children only due to social pressure. abandoned and uncared by their dad, these innocent kids have atleast the option of mothers, but society labels them b#$#$ and thinks we are civilised when orphanages exist.
    Animals are more civilised.

    imagine the wail of an innocent 3 month year old, imagine growing up realising your parents abandoned you!

    i better stop.

  9. Why are those parents who bring us up left abandoned?
    Because we live in a world filled with replacements and we have the tendency to replace what we have with what we don't have. We are so much convinced that what we don't have is so much better that we can't see beyond the illusion these replacements create.

    Why are we so selfish and why is this world so insensitive?
    Oh! I just wish we were all selfish. But we aren't and that is the problem.
    But Insensitive? That's another story.. The world is insensitive; We are insensitive because of the very fact that everything affects us too much.. Thats right, being sensitive to irrelevant things is what makes us insensitive. Seems like a contradiction but it isn't if you really think about it.

    Why can’t we provide a shelter, meals, and good care for those, who struggle to bring us up, educate us teach us and instill such values which we upon growing so easily forget about????????
    Its not really a question of "why we can't". Because if so, then we might find the answer without even the slightest thought process. But it's a question of "why we don't". That's because we are an unappreciative specie. We don't forget, we just ignore.

    Why can’t we love them?
    But we do..

    I know I'm, myself, in no position to answer these questions and my answers won't satisfy anyone but me. Still, seeing the questions being asked, even though rhetorical, i couldn't help myself and i apologize.

  10. @Wishv: I don't know what you mean by loving someone then, if we can't make them happy or keep them happy.... If we do, its our moral responsibility to take care of them.

    And relations are not only of blood, but of humanity and love....

    Even if both of us are not in a position to answer any of these, I don't think then you or anyone of us should be sorry...
    Future will tell us, if we are going to fulfill our responsibilities or not. That time just think a bit and you'll be sorted... :)


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