For you

I can’t sleep with ease,
My eyes still wait to see,
Just one shadow,
That of you in my life again.

I still am waiting,
For you to come again,
My eyes long to see your name flash on my mobile,
And to hear that sweet voice,
Which i so easily fell for.

Why do I still think of you?
When you have hurt me,
Why do I still want you?
Why did you build walls,
Which I am not supposed to break down,
And why does it feels,
That one day you might come,
When I very well know, you won’t.

Whenever I think about you,
I wonder if you even remember me,
I wonder if I really meant anything in your life,
Even just for a matter of few days,
And then when my questions are met with the silence,
I know you never miss me...

I feel sad and it hurts me,
But then I am helpless,
You don’t need me,
And I can love you only till this heart beats,
But I realise how stupid I am,
Waiting for the one who never respected my feelings,
The one who never cared for me,
The one who never understood the importance,
Of having love in life.


  1. loved it... dats all i cn say :|

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. seriously awesome...!!!
    just one suggestion...
    Leave the dark n start writing positive poems...
    though its easy to write dark stuff.. trust feels better wen u compose positive/fun poems..! :-)

  4. @Dhawal: I know what you mean to say, but i wanted to express this since a long time, it was hard to find the right words. And i agree light hearted poems are better, 'cause they don't hurt you....
    This resembles a reality in life, that's why i wanted to share. :)

    Thanks :)

  5. hmm....its ur wish in the end...!!!
    all i can do is give a suggestion...!!

  6. @Dhawal: I can understand :) I will from now onwards write positive poems, and funny too ;)
    I hope i didn't offend you..

  7. it is very important to have LOVE in life, pity some people break this in an instant..
    Speaking from experience here Tanvi its not good to keep holding on to .. maybe it happened for good.. Time to move on I know easier said then DOne.. it is painful BUT someone somewhere is waiting for you toooo...

    Stop living your life for someone , if they dont understand SO WHAT.. as i said their LOSS..

    I dont know if this is fiction or reality but move on to brighter, happy thoughts LIFE is much more beautiful then all this darkness ...

  8. @Bikramjit: Hey thanks for dropping in :) And i agree with you, whatever you said is true to its core. Actually its the reality and it has happened.. Though moving on to a brighter side is better than holding on to the gone things...

    @All:Your comments are valuable and I am happy that you gave me such a good support. Thanks once again! :)

  9. its not easy to forget hurt. only time will heal. when fresher better memories replace the wounds.
    this is not just in romance but even in friendship.

    for practical suggestions, well you can read dumpdumped and down in dumps.

    take care. no one who hurts you is worth your time. and every minute is yours don't waste it on those who don't care or appreciate.

    all the best.

    ps : forgot to add God bless you and your friend in previous post.

  10. @Wise donkey: So true! I totally agree!
    Thanks may god bless you too :)

  11. @Wise donkey:Hey your post is great one dude!!! Thanks

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Being hurt is something I look forward to everyday,
    Because I never found someone who could hurt me like he did to you.
    I hope one day that person enters my life too,
    The person that'd make me happy by leaving me forever.

  14. I messed it up. Didn't I? In my defense, i have never been the guy who liked poems.

  15. @Wishv: Dude the comment that you deleted was kind of for another post. I read it as i got it in my mail :)

    And as for liking poems, well I am not a poet... :P
    And why you want to be hurt and become happy? That person leaving you if definitely a boon, but hurt?
    I didn't get your point :P :)

  16. Its a simple thought which is complex to explain in words.. I won't be able to do justice to it because what i'll write will be different from whats inside me. But here I try..

    I'm just trying to say that till that happens, i'm missing something, an experience. Even though painful, its an experience i'll always look forward to till it happens to me. I won't be shaped completely till i have every experience including this one, which is impossible, i know.

    And every experience, even though painful, is always good for you. And particularly this one, I miss it more than anything coz I have seen so many people around going through it and I feel like a freak being unaware of how it feels. To me it seems really tempting.

    I hope, even though not completely, I was able to express something meaningful.

  17. And I liked your poem.. i meant that the few lines that i wrote, i messed them up those coz i never used to read poems which makes me oblivious to the art of how poems are meant to be written :P

    And yeah, i realized i posted that comment on the wrong place but i corrected it immediately and copied it to the other post :P

  18. @Wishv: Yes I agree on that thing. Experience makes you more mature :)
    Now its crystal clear what you wanna say.. :)

    But I still hope the girl of your dreams should give you happiness instead of the hurt and pain... Till then you can search and enjoy!

    And no problems about messing up, I like your different views.

  19. Tanvi: I can identify with every every line in your poem. I am sorry this happened to you as well. I know how much deeply it hurts and how difficult it is to move on. But life gives us no choice. As you rightly said,

    "Waiting for the one who never respected my feelings,
    The one who never cared for me,
    The one who never understood the importance,
    Of having love in life."

    Waiting for such a person is the most most horrid painful thing to do. And the 'bebasi' one feels while realizing that "he just doesn't care.. as simple as that"..

    I just want to tell you one thing: That he will be set aside once your heart starts beating for someone who deserves your love. Not now. When the time comes. And you will know.

  20. @Punam: I am glad to have you here. And i agree we have no choice and its way too horrible.. But My mantra is

    "Enjoy life,as it is!"

    I sure think you got time, and I am happy :)

  21. somewhere in his heart he will realize how much he miss you.. but by that time it will be too late. But don't loose hope, just trust the fact that he really loved you when and may be he do, but he is not the one you deserve you deserve the best for you are the best

  22. @A.S: Thanks for visiting me..

    @Anon: Don't you try to tell me about hopes and all... I hope of a better and far lovely future. I am a realist, I don't need those soothing words, sorry for being a bit rude but thats how I feel. I can face it!

    Thanks for visiting me, Next time disclose your identity.. :)

  23. Dude I loved it,you know there were tears in my eyes seriously,i read it now....i went into flashbck like abt around 4 months back,in room no.641

  24. @Amu: OMG!! See the feelings have erupted :):) lovely :) I remember the scene of room no.641 exactly four months back :) :)


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