Will i ever change?

Unbelievable lesson

I was lazing around the house whole day, woke up around ten in the morning. Had breakfast and then again around 12pm i was sleepy. I couldn’t understand anything happening around me. I was in my own world (“most of the times i am in my own world”). But today my mum’s patience was wearing out. She finally asked me in the afternoon when i was dancing around listening to songs, “Whats the matter with you? You never seem to be here,whenever i want to tell you something you are thinking something else. Whats up ha?”  I was speechless at her question. I didn’t know what to tell her, and wondered what was going on in my own world. I just answered casually,”Mum what will happen, your daughter is grown up, and i like to laze around. That's all.”

I wondered what i should tell her if she specifically asks me next time around. Its not that i hide things from her, she knows every bit happening in my life. But i still was unable to explain my behaviour, even to myself. College just started this week, so i ain’t that much into studies. My mum started telling me things like, “what will you do if i am not around? You don’t seem to understand your responsibilities, you are careless, see your clothes are strewn all over your room, you never see to it that your study table is clean. You behave like a princess in her palace, and your dad keeps on spoiling you. Movies, friends, outings, Dominoes, Macds’.”
I was listening for sometime(first two three words), then i drifted into the world of virus complexities, when she posed a question. I was suddenly called upon, “there you are lost, answer me?” I absent mindedly said yeah, why not. My mum was still not convinced if her daughter had heard her. “Ohhh!” I said to myself. It was already around four in the afternoon.

Finally i had to listen to my mum, and i started with arranging my books in order (knowing fully that they would be in the same condition till midnight :P). As i wanted to meet my friend in the evening i had to listen to her. I was searching through the cabinet for my slam book, when i found some paper cuttings. They were the ones i had taken from “Times Nie”. Its my favourite news-paper besides Mumbai mirror. There was that article i had read again and again when in school. It was the speaking tree article. As i started reading it, I saw some ants, crawling on my study table.

I drifted into their line of direction. Happily , merrily, and truly were they, working hard. I played with them, i tried to block their paths, from everywhere. But they still somehow got away on their way. One fine line, they are those micro-insects we can  learn from. To live happily, to love unconditionally and still work hard.
 I wondered what went wrong with the monkeys during evolution. Our marmosian beauty is no doubt good, but we have just evolved physically, what about the brains? And the concept of wisdom is just long lost. We hear and say it only in assemblies in schools as thought for the day. Do we ever practice it?! Its the same to me too, i am enjoying the security and luxuries my parents provide me. I don’t have to work hard, i get everything. I never have to ask or anything, i just get it. But i have never taken it for granted, for i am ready to face all those difficulties anyone on the street faces.

I can cook, swab, clean, wash and do every odd job. I do help my mum many a times, but lately i have got too much involved with myself. I don’t even spend time with my family, and the few hours i spend, i feel blessed. I thank god everyday for giving me this life. I  do complain at times, but its minimum. Inside i respect everyone who contributes to my happiness. I told my mum what i had observed and thought at that very minute.

She started telling me, “You are right! Don’t you forget that life is full of hardships, your dad has worked day in and day out to get where he is. And thank god always for this beautiful life. And most importantly try to be like that ant, find your true path and stick to it. You’ll surely fly.”

My day was spent lazing around, but still i learnt a very good lesson and from that “Little Ant” who is the heroine of this post. I spoke to my mum and ran away as my friend was waiting for me, leaving everything as it was. My mum called behind me, “You’ll never change.” 


  1. Agree with you for the most part.. (Agree, as in picturing myself in the situation)

  2. Ma aise hi hoti hain, and children are also similar in most cases... Kudos to the ant, send her to bollywood...

    Blasphemous Aesthete

  3. @Wishv: Thats what i wanted to show.. :)

    @Blasphemous Aesthete: Are you kidding me? Bollywood? Ant? :P hehe

  4. Thanks for this post. I liked it

  5. same case wid my mum nd me :D :D

  6. ..that was a pleasure to read my friend... glad you shared it with us... and find it simply inspiring... thanks a ton for your very kind support at my blog... and my apology for having reach you only now... i'm actually busy working out our Project Feasibility Study... our defense will be scheduled right after the midterms and we've just finishedour prelims yesterday so we've only less time to prepare and to fix everything... thank you for understanding hope to see you more on my page:)

    A Blessed sunday!!!:)


  7. @Ayvan: I am glad you liked it, hope to see you around. Thanks!

    @Dharini: I know that :P :D

    @Windowlad: Oh i am happy you enjoyed. No need to apologize, i can understand. All the best for your project. Enjoy!

  8. quite a good observation..!!


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