Destiny & Success

I often fall short of words to express what success means to me. And i often confuse it with destiny. I always wonder, what are we living for? What success means to me? Then when i am not able to think through, i feel that my destiny is an unknown destination and ultimately it’ll be my success. Though this remains to be proved.
I will tell you two stories here. Just two, short and simple.

Destined to be.....

A small girl, everyday waits and waits for her true happiness. Her parents are not like the usual ones she gets to see on the street. Today her mum made her gather all her toys and burnt them all in the fireplace of their house. She haven’t done anything to them, nothing in particular, they have enough money to keep them going, and she has lots of luxuries. But then why her mum burnt her only piece of imagination and happiness? She had the freedom to only watch the woods from the bedroom window, begging to be let out. She was never let out, not even in the garden of her house, last time she was in front of her house, her father slapped her and made her go to her room. She was getting killed each day of her existence.
It was night, around two, the girl was packing her clothes in a big suitcase. She tip-toed past her parents bedroom to the kitchen, gathered as much as food she could. Then she sat on the stairs, thinking of what she was about to do. No wonder she would miss this place, but only the house and not her parents. She considered her desicion once again.
Then she finally got up, opened the main door and slipped out of her house. She turned to gaze upon it one last time, she would miss her home.
And she took a big step towards the woods, whom she always begged to be let out.

The success story

A very good singer, actress, and a beautiful young lady. Twenty year-old, she tasted success early. She had her share of ups and downs, her obstacles were not so common, but they weren’t enough to dimish her determination. Today she is sitting on the staircase of her six million villa in los-angeles, thiking about her only decision which brought her here. She wasn’t regretting it, nor was she nostalgic. But she only wanted to re-consider her that decision taken once long before. She may not be right, but she was determined to make her life happy. And now maybe she was. She wasn’t sure, because she couldn’t find a person who may love her, comfort her, and be by her side always. People came and hurted her, she couldn’t do anything, was a mere spectator to it. But she is determined to be happy, and lead a happy life.

The two stories are of the same girl. But then why is it that everyone and anyone at a certain point of time faced with the fact of not being happy?
Even if you have millions of rupees, even if you have adorable parents and have a healthy social life. You are always faced with this bitter truth. The question remains, what is success? And what is our destiny?

Being happy, spreading happiness, love and care is the only remedy to these questions. Succes is not a selfish realisation of one’s own goals, but of collective happiness. And ambition should not be for self centered progress but of all round development for all the living beings.
In today’s world people will laugh on such views, they are more conserned about their lost ferraris’ , about their stock markets.

If you ever want to be eternally happy, you should abandon the foreign shores and walk by the sabarmati. To understand the true service to mankind & humanity.   And unlock the doors of a succesful life J  


  1. hey I just want to laugh at good humour, why would someone laugh at sane pondering?

    Interesting story.

    Blasphemous Aesthete

  2. @Ajin: What do you mean?

    @Blasphemous Aesthete: Well in mumbai there are many people who laugh on sane pondering. And specially my age atleast.

  3. the thing is... we are never happy in life...
    we always deserve to hav an aim to be happy..
    the moment we achieve our aim..we'd realize that we again fell hollow...
    success and happines,both lie in their pursuit itself...

  4. @Dhawal: Yes i agree, the journey is where the happiness lies. :)
    Once we reach the destination we realise its emptiness.


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