Standing tall at life’s crossroads, amidst the hustle and bustle of numerous suggestions and advice, staring at the bright sky, and wondering about just one question, why?
            Carrying in mind the big burden of uncertainty, i am like a wondering soul, searching in this world the true meaning of life. Exploring the world with my curious eyes, hoping to learn something new everytime. I am like a lonely bird.
                      School was a big milestone that i crossed.And these last two years like a floater were horrible. At the end of them i still feel like going back but the suffering haunts............
                               I seriously can’t figure out, why ?                 Does everyone go through such a phase in one’s life ? Maybe, but this uncertainty almost kills me completely. I salute those who have come out of this phase with flying colours. But the uncertainty whether.,“I  Will” ? still prevails.
                     I feel like shutting out of this world. And not indulge in socialising anymore, it stresses me and drains me out. I am outoing but i need my own time, my “mee time”. It is when i start thinking, roaming out on the streets alone, travelling in an empty bus sit by the window and look outside to the misery and busy people. Not talk to anyone,  switch off my mobile or reject all calls.  I just want to be alone and take a stroll like a lonely bird.
                                      Its bad but i have started ignoring some friends on social networking sites, I don’t anymore believe in that sweet social dogma of exchanging fake pleasantaries and abiding by thr formalities. I talk to a handful but ignore the rest, my parents are worried but i will still say i am not depressed....
                                  After every period of adversity, and enjoying that indifference i realise i am heading towards something unpredictable. And the uncertainty again prevails. I hate to admit it that i have lost all control of my life, i hate to give in to demands. But just as always, a new phase will start and end too, probably i will have nothing to lose and gain too.
                          Standing today at life’s crossroads waiting to see a fresh new beginning, i am ill at ease. Changes have caught me unawares, and till i could digest it, i have had to swallow one more uncertainty.
                                      Heading to a unknown destiny, i am yet just digesting the fact of loosing control. Floating along the shores i am enjoying life at its crossroads........
I don’t know what the destiny will be, till then i am enjoying the road with hot spices of something unpredictable and uncertain.

                                                                                            -  T N N


  1. u knw sumthing its not only u whose goin thru dis.. am sailin in d same boat.. :P

  2. @Dharini: Dear i am aware of that.....
    thought of pinning it down in my memory :)

  3. This is the most common stage of life dear where u dont know what to do....n u dont get anything.
    But the fact is ..u cant avoid it.......

  4. @Ansh: You are right we can't avoid it but atleast we can enjoy it :))

  5. Then enjoy the every movement of it.......hey sorry but ansh is not my real name...its mahesh.

  6. @Ansh: I know that already you told me before...

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. "you are wrong if you think that the joy of life comes principally from the joy of human relationships. God's place is all around us, it is in everything and in anything we can experience. People just need to change the way they look at things. "

    - Christopher McCandless
    'Into the wild'

    I would insist you to see the movie, 'Into the wild'. It might answer your questions.

  9. @Goutamjay: I will definitely watch that movie and get back to you in my free time..Thanks!

  10. every1 has to go frm dis stage in their lyf...

    n i think u told rite we should njoy it n we would njoy it...

    ALL D BEST 4 ur lyf...


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