The fun we had......!!!

              My dad enrolled me for JEE studies in my Xth vacations. That’s when  i  joined Yukti.  The first day of Yukti ,  Prof. Arun Jain’s lecture, sitting on the first bench in a class full of boys, i was one of the only two girls in the class in the 2010 ‘JEE batch.  As the time neared for the lecture to start, the class was almost full, around  fifty  kids and among them only ten girls!
                         I met Dharini Iyer first. She immediately gave me a welcome smile, a warm one. A easygoing, studious girl, Dharini-I (as i fondly call her) and me hit it off instantly. We were good friends from the first day onwards.
                  Dharini Bhatt, fair, tall and a different  girl altogether. I call her Dharini-II (to avoid confusion). We were friends but not as spontaneously as with Dharini-I.  Chetana, Faisa, Niranjita, Anita, Sanika, Annabelle, Sania  & Jincy. Total eleven girls including  me.
                             We became good friends. I dont know how but somehow i became more attached to first Dharini-I, Sanika(she’s in my college too), Chetana and then Dharini-II. The classes had already started and JEE preparations were in full swing. Suddenly the population started dropping.. Niranjita left, followed by Anita, then at the end of first six months  Sania left too. Jincy left right after one year in summer vacations. “ Down to seven.” Faisa gave JEE in 2009 so she left too. Around june Annabelle left to pursue medicine. “We were down to five girls.”
                                                  Everything happened too dramatically. People going into depression due to study load, juggling between school/college and  IIT-JEE  studies. The stress increased over the months infinitely. A heart breaking situation absolutely. I was on the verge of giving up when i became friends with one of my profs. Then the progression began..
             All five of  us had loads of fun. We five made the whole class go nuts, laughing at the top of our voices , we could easily defeat the boys. Came october and Chetana left. That was really shocking.  But that was not the time to be overwhelmed. We  just were  busy  preparing  for the  boards, and enjoying too. There were times , when the stress was too much, no one spoke to each other. No laughter and no jokes. But we made up all that later. Long discussions about career and new avenues, it used to be interesting.  Once i even found a love letter in integral calculus book that i borrowed from the library.  Hehe..It was fun!  :D

                               Now after JEE is long forgotten like a nightmare, we all are preparing  for  AIEEE. All of us met after a long time on 13th April, had a lot of fun teasing each other. I saw Dharini-I  after almost three months. We had gone crazy doing all kinda  stupid things.
                                    Bad times are past us. But why is it that when all bad things end, good things end too???? L     After being together for two years, i have realised, i can’t survive without Yukti  and more so my friends.  Eating our heads on Christmas, New year’s eve, Independence day etc.etc. for two consecutive years, i have become hooked.
                          Without Yukti we become bored sitting at home. Not all of us  will  get into IIT but all of us will become oustanding engineers of this country. This  2010 IIT-JEE batch  of Yukti have laid the foundation of a new stream of bright engineers.
                                              It feels bad now. We will be separated. But nevermind, we all stood by each other through thick and thin.  A toast for all of us.... J
                            JIII CHEERS  with  BEERS !!!J 

NB: Dedicated to all my Yukti  friends......
                                   Will miss you guys...!

-         TNN


  1. 13 apr wz actlly fun day... lolz... ;)

  2. Beers?? You are still too young to have that.. :P Btw I hope that Yukti had as great an impact on you as it had on me.. :)

  3. @Dharini: Yupp i agree!

    @Nipun: Nipun common yaar i am going to taste it soon...some german beer though! :P
    Yukti had a wonderful impact on me. Thanks to RK sir....(From both of us )

  4. ya actlly thanks 2 RK sir...!!!

  5. Hi Tanvi,
    You know what?! even though you are way younger than me, your writings reflect mine when I was your age. No wonder you like mine..:D Keep on writing the good posts, you have talent! Enjoy youth as it will never come twice but an advise from me 'enjoy it meaningfully so that you will treasure it as you get older'.

  6. @FJL: Hey thanks for the compliment and yes i will treasure these moments for the rest of my life by taking notes.....Thats the way to live it fully isn't it?!

  7. Hi Tanvi,
    You can call me Flo short for Florence..
    Ive been to my reunion recently and I found that things have changed. The one who were closed and were my best friends before were not as they were when I met them. I didnt regret meeting them but Iam sad that things have changed..

  8. hey tanvi u enjoy ur life n studies equally ......

  9. @Ansh: Yea you are right...i learnt it from someone though !

  10. You remind me of my Pre Uni days...which were spent in some dran coacing class with a buncha girls with who I had a time of my life!

    I am in touch with none of them, but their thoughts still warm my heart whenever nostalgia comes knocking by. Like they do right now as I reas your post.

    Thnx dear!

  11. coaching days are one of the best to enjoy...!!
    I bunked 70% of my classes during my coaching n i dun evn regret a bit of being amongst the most non-serious batch of my institute...!!
    felt rly nostalgic aftr ths post..!!
    can't tell u how much fun i had..!!! :P

  12. @Dhawal: Oh you did dig into my posts :) Glad that I took you back to that time. Bunking is a common notion, won't say anything more my prof's here :P :P
    Hehe :D

  13. I have nothing to say about this piece... simply nothing :D


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