A Drive of nature.....

                                 A fine evening it was. I reached home at six in the evening. I was not that tired that day but things seemed busy to me. My dad was in a jolly mood. We left for a drive & stopped on the way to lonavala where it was amazing. Being a monsoon month it was getting dark early.
                        The mild waterfalls & beautiful scenes, it was fabulous to see how the trees were dancing to the tunes of air. The breeze was wild , playing with my hair,the gusty winds, oh! just how awsome!!!  Looking into the sky and the busy sky migrating, i was drifted into a world of dreams & imagination. The sound of  triplet flowing by, the smile of the mountains and the frown of the sky! oh! my beauty!
                                                         Just how beautiful!!!
                    Lying there on the axion grass,in the lap of nature i could easily hear the sound of plants waving their leaves to the harmonic tunes of the frequent air dancing their way to the glorious beauty,as a priceless gift of mother nature. How beautifully do we forget the sorrows of life in the lap of nature, it has anaesthetic effect on the nerves soothing them to a godly silence of love and understanding. Even without a word it is the power of nature to  teach you the laws of nature so lovingly.
               Mother nature has struck a chord with me, she is my friend now. I can see, touch & feel her beauty . The congress grass that waves like doing salsa dance has my wildest fancies of being one of them sometimes. But nature answers me that everything in this world has been appropriately placed in their positions. I do feel sometimes to be like them but i can't change places for i am still bearing the half-owned punishment of the pollution & they are the victims. I don't want to impose my blackacts on those innocent leaves of music, love and dance. And so here i am, lying down appreciating them.
                                                   Whenever i feel stressed out and worked up, i can see these scenes with my photographic memories and drift away into a more soothing world of nature. These awsome scenes of beauty have a healing effect on me and that's why i love the green green nature......

This is expressed by William Wordsworth beautifully,

" For oft,when on my couch i lie,

In vacant or pensive mood,
they flash upon that inward eye,

Which is the bliss of solitude! "


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