The first of its kind! but common :)

Life is so hard to analyse, people so shallow to understand. But still they combine to form a very complex form of this universe, i.e world....

I just thought of this today, i don’t know why, its so strange to know that someone is no more. I find it difficult to digest when i know i am holding someone’s body part, someone who was alive and thinking just few hours ago.. life is for a short duration, how wonderful it would have been, had i known that everyone here is immortal. But then i think that its not supposed to be like that. This cycle of life starts and must complete with the end of that body.... but the soul remains!

In this life time we love everyone around us,  a friend of mine just said recently to me, that life is so short, we don;t find enough time to love, then why to hate? So true and so goody goody at the same time. I was shocked to hear it from a person like him.. :P hehe
Nevertheless its true J i’ll tell you a story.... and about someone she fell in love with.. he is also a person and she never though she’ll fall for him.. even now sometimes she think she is just plain crazy..

“So it all started with a small crush. Then i started observing his every move, his actions, his way of speaking, his body language, his everything from the way of clothing to his taste... J i know thats utter crazy hehehe :D but i am like this.
So it went on and on, i was beginning to realise that it was going for more days for more time i was thinking about him.. it was strange rather too strange for a girl like me.. hehhe :D but it happened..

And the biggest thing was that, i started adoring him slowly, i respected him like anything, he was someone i looked upto whenever i had some problem or i needed any advice. He was there always, he never said anything about my stupidity ‘cause somewhere he knew though i am, i am a good girl and liked him. He still is in my life, but since he went away for his studies we were in touch for maximum time, then after some months i became withdrawn, i felt a bit sad then i was fine for most of the time. But somewhere i knew i wanted him badly, to talk to, to share things with, like from how much i slept today to how much water i drank... J
It was crazy, i thought like it was some silly teenage love or something,  but slowly slowly know i am realising, as i know that person is out of my reach, he is not actually mine....... when i already know he is my best friend.

I gradually accpted the fact that i fell in love with my best friend..... but he is still my best friend and we will always be J

 Isn’t that a lovely one? I have grown up on a dose of i love my best friends stories in short movies, and i always thought so its not soo necessary. J Obviously it isn’t, its not some conclusion okay, its just that i wanted to tell this story... today.. i wanted to tell you all love is not just about having someone 24/7, but its that silent feeling inside our hearts... which makes the friendship grow stronger.. J


  1. Very True Tanvi. But dont you think as we grow old, we tend to negate these small things which actually makes us "alive". We tend to get mechanical and judge things by logic rather then by innocence and love.

  2. love the last pic,falling fr friends thnkfully is nt ma cup of tea n sumtym it jus make thngs upside down n i feel personally frndshp scores abv lv coz dey gonna b wit u no mattr wot
    nice illustration, though i still feel the tingle of u missin him

  3. Tanu i really think we should discuss whats going on! Arre, i always end up reading something about my life here! Ye ho kya rha hai?
    Btw i do believe that best friends can always be good partners as they know each other already. But yet i am confused.. Life is indeed short for love but still we waste time hating things.
    And one more thing i am too a crazy like the girl in story, noticing every damn thing about him!

  4. What is it with everyone talking and posting about love these days! Haha. Your first lines sum up the state of my mind all the time.


  5. Well Lucky are those people who get back love .. for love .. and I seriously beleive that one shud do anything to keep that love ... cause as your friend said life is short u never know what gonna happen tomorrow ...

    Its sad when people make a relation and go about making false promises and all that love pallava and then end of the day ditch with the words oh We are jsut freinds or they fine someone else ...

    Loved the story .. yes they have friendship always to take care of

    We shud love each other and care for each other maybe jsut maybe thei planet will be a better place to live in ...

    Take care and BE happy :)


  6. :)
    From lover to friend, isn't that a little tough. I mean, its escalation in one way, and descending in other, but its tough. I think it is.
    Nice read.

    Blasphemous Aesthete

  7. friendship and love-the most intriguing couple....

  8. The base of true love itself is friendship... A couple can never become true lover without the base of friendship.. thus I firmly believe friendship can create wonders and keep love and understanding for the couple...

    And I even feel love is not conquering but letting it go free!!

    lovely post... I guess every gal can relate a bit towards it!

  9. ahaaayeee...!!! nice yaar..!!! waise..seems like ur opinion about love and all hav changed quite a bit..!!! keep going..!!! :-)

  10. Very true Tanvi.Love is not something we posses,but it is something that makes us strong & free.
    The girl will be lucky if they are married,but doesn't mean she isn't if they are best friends forever.
    Sometimes Friends do matter a lot & we need to thank god for having such wonderful souls around us.

  11. Love... it's a very strong word.. no matter however you try you cant finish defining it... ! and friendship- is a rare gift! cherish that forever...
    but who knows what begins where and how...

    good blog!

  12. @Enigma: I agree with you.. :) Thanks for dropping by.. :)

  13. @Vineet: Hey welcome to my space! Thanks for the lovely comment, tingle of me missing him? Ummm... well I do miss my best friend :)
    Keep coming!

  14. @Deepika:Hehee :D I can say the same thing girl, cause whatever you write, its my story some or the other way.. :) And what you say is true! :)

  15. @Ujjwal: Umm... i guess its the hot topic around these days :P Or it always was or will be? You decide! Thats great.. :)

  16. @Bikramjit: Oh that was a lovely comment :) And i believe in every word that you say.. :)Thanks!

  17. @Anshul: Yes it is... thats what i wanted to portray :)

  18. @Clueless: Yea, i bet! :D Thanks :)

  19. @Pripat: Hey welcome to my space! thanks for the lovely comment! If some girls can relate then I am glad :)

  20. @Dhawal: You think so! Go to the post and see again... its just something, an overdose that i grew up on :P :P I won't ever change!

  21. @Neeha: Yes we never know... what happens where! :D :D

  22. @Matangi: Hey welcome to my blog! Thanks for the lovely comment! I am glad you liked!


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